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Lernen beginnen
coast (All is quiet in a seaside town on the South coast of England)
bić, dzwonić
Lernen beginnen
chime (The old clock in the hall chimes)
Lernen beginnen
pleasant (The coast is a pleasant place when the sun shines and the air is warm)
znak, szyld
Lernen beginnen
sign (The hotels have got signs offering rooms)
Lernen beginnen
to offer (The hotels have got signs offering rooms)
Lernen beginnen
among (Among the hotels, there were some houses)
zastanawiać się
Lernen beginnen
wonder (He stopped and wondered what to do.)
w międzyczasie
Lernen beginnen
in the meantime (In the meantime, please stay where you are)
zbliżać się
Lernen beginnen
approach (don't approach him)
doznać szoku
Lernen beginnen
have a shock (You have had a shock)
Lernen beginnen
to expect (I expect so)
Lernen beginnen
enter (Two policeman entered the house)
rozumieć, widzieć
Lernen beginnen
see (I see)

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