Lesson 1 22/04/2020

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Frage Antworten
get advice from sb
Lernen beginnen
uzyskać poradę od kogoś
have second thoughts
After she agreed to lend him the money, she had second thoughts.
Lernen beginnen
mieć wątpliwości
get on with sb
Do you get on with your colleagues?
Lernen beginnen
dobrze się z kimś dogadywać; lubić kogoś
He tried to avoid me, but then changed his mind.
Lernen beginnen
it's worth (doing something)
It's worth going there.
Lernen beginnen
warto (coś zrobić)
keep in touch (with somebody)
So you and Catherine have decided to keep in touch?
Lernen beginnen
pozostawać w kontakcie (z kimś)
change your mind
He's changed his mind and doesn't want to go anymore.
Lernen beginnen
zmień zdanie
go for it
You can't give up now. Go for it, Kate!
Lernen beginnen
idź po to; dawaj!
I've got this impulse to eat chocolate.
Lernen beginnen
bodziec; impuls
I don't attend parent-teacher meetings.
Lernen beginnen
uczęszczać; brać udział
I need an honest opinion - how do I look in this shirt?
Lernen beginnen
uczciwy; szczery
Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
Lernen beginnen
świętować; obchodzić
pay sb back
Do you celebrate Valentine's Day?
Lernen beginnen
oddać komuś pieniądze, spłacic dług
go away
My parents went away on holidays for two weeks.
Lernen beginnen
Moi rodzice wyjechali na dwa tygodnie na urlop.
I've got a bad headache.
Lernen beginnen
ból głowy
I've been having this dry cough for the past 2 days.
Lernen beginnen
Mam suchy kaszel od dwóch dni.
I borrowed the book from my sister.
Lernen beginnen
pożyczać od kogoś

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