Long robaczków 26.03

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to take the mickey out of sth
Lernen beginnen
nabijać się z kogoś
work one’s fingers to the bone
Lernen beginnen
work very hard
a bad workman always blames his tools
Lernen beginnen
złej baletnicy przeszkadza nawet rąbek u spódnicy
by the sweat of his brow
Lernen beginnen
w pocie czoła
overtime/severance pay
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wynagrodzenie za nadgodziny/odprawa
vicious circle
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błędne koło; a situation in which one problem causes another problem, that then causes the first problem again, so that the whole process continues to be repeated
circadian rhythm
Lernen beginnen
rytm dobowy; relating to a period of 24 hours, used especially when talking about changes in people's bodies
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very great tiredness that last for a long time; znużenie
delude (into doing something)
Lernen beginnen
to make someone believe something that is not true; zwieść; = fool/trick
Lernen beginnen
rozpaczliwy, gorączkowy; extremely hurried and using a lot of energy, but not very organized
Lernen beginnen
spitefull (złośliwy), malicious, dangerous, unkind, unpleasant; paskudny, wstrętny; poważny, niebezpieczny
refuse collector
Lernen beginnen
śmieciarz, = a dustman
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involving a lot of effort; mozolny, żmudny
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to go numb
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
strajk włoski
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a calling, powołanie
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thatch, a thatched roof
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the stirrer
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someone who likes to cause trouble between people by spreading false or secret information, intrygant
beaver away at something
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to work very hard, pracować jak mrówka
keep one’s mind on the job
Lernen beginnen
be focused on what you are doing
call the shots
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to make decisions and give orders, dyktować warunki
have time on one’s hands
Lernen beginnen
dysponować wolnym czasem
keep one’s nose to the grindstone
Lernen beginnen
work very, very hardly, tyrać jak wół
Lernen beginnen
take its toll (on sth)
Lernen beginnen
być tragicznym w skutkach, odcisnąć swoje piętno, dawać się we znaki, odbijać się niekorzystnie; to cause suffer and damage, to have very bad effect
to take a heavy toll
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zbierać żniwo
prompted by
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spowodowany czymś tam; make someone decide to do something
Lernen beginnen
sztywne; very strict and difficult to change, ≠ flexible
core time/hours
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godziny obowiązkowe; no matter what time you comes you have to spend a number of hours at work
meet the target
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to do what you have to do, osiągnąć cel
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dwuznaczny; a backhanded remark or compliment seems to express praise or admiration but in fact is insulting; seem pleasant, have double meaning
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when employees decide themselves what hours they come to work
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dławić, tłumić, dusić, powstrzymywać; to cause someone be unable to breathe, prevent something from happening
Lernen beginnen
to hail a cab
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zawołać taksówkę
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to have no say
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nie zostać dopuszczonym do głosu
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poskramiacz e.g. lion tamer
to eke out a living
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living and trying to make ends meet
the yield per acre
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wydajność z jednego akra
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Lernen beginnen
top up the battery
Lernen beginnen
naładować akumulator
be at the end of one’s tether
Lernen beginnen
has run out of patience, być u kresu wytrzymałości
be rushed off one’s feet
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very busy; być zabieganym
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objaśnić; to explain an idea in detail
freshly ground coffee
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świeżo zmielona kawa
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1. kołowrót codziennych spraw, monotonna praca – tiring, repetitive, boring work 2. karuzela dla chomika 3. bieżnia
Lernen beginnen
panować, przeważać, dominować; to be common among the group of people
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pożyteczny, zbawienny, zbawczy; a salutary experience is unpleasant but teaches you something; causing improvement
the late manager
Lernen beginnen
the manager who has died
the manager in question
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the manager we’re talking about
the manager to-be
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the person who is bound to become manager
the former manager
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the person who was manager before the current one
the so-called manager
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the person who is not suitable or deserving (tak zwany)
the present manager
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so. who is currently manager (the acting manager – pełniący obowiązki)
the would-be manager
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so. who would like to be a manager (potencjalny, niedoszły)
the stop-gap manager
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so. who is holding the manager’s post temporarily (tymczasowy)

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