Lotnisko Orlando

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gdzie jest check in desk
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where is the check in desk, please
Mam lot do Orlando, z której bramki jest lot?
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I have a flight to Orlando, which gate does the flight leave to Orlando?
Jak dojdę do bramki 34
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How do I get to gate 34, please
Z którego terminala jest odlot
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Which terminal does the plane leave from?
o której godzinie samolot odlatuje, przylatuje
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what time does the plane leave, arrives
gdzie jest bramka 34
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where it is the gate 34
jak dojdę do bramki 34
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how do I get to gate 34
na której stacji powinnam wysiąść żeby dojść
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which station should I get off to get to gate 34
poproszę tłumacza
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I'd like an interpreter
możesz mi pomóc położyć torbę
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Can you help me put this bag in the overhead locker, please
where are you travelling from?
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I from Poland, I live in Warsow
is there anyone else travelity with you?
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I came to join my fionce, he is from poland but is on MC (since a week)
what's the purpose of your visit?
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I'm holiday, I'm going to visit Orlando, Miami, NY, Las Vegas
how long do you plan to stay?
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I'm going to stay here from 16 to 24
how many pices of luggage have you got?
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this one, and I have luggage but it is in stopover
did you pack the bags yourself?
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yes I did
I, m afraid your bag has exceeded the maximum baggage allowance
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I can take smething out of the bag, haw much I have to pay for excess baggage, No I don't agree, b baggage alowance is 20k
have you got anything to declare?
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No I din't thing so, I mean I' ve got this ... but I got it the duty free shop
That is too heavy for hend luggage
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I can take something out off the bag
have you left your bags unattended at any time since you packed them
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No I have had them all this time which me
Do they contain any sharp or electrical items?
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No I dont
gdzie mogę odebrać bagaż
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Where can I pick up my luggage
gdzie jest taśmociąg
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where is the conveyor belt, luggage belt
jak długo trwa lot
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how long does the flight from F to O takes?
to jest mój bagaż
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This is my baggage
to są moje rzeczy, kupiłam je w Polsce
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this things are my personal belongins. I bought it in Poland.
nie zgadzam się z tym, kupiłam je w Polsce i nie mam zamiaru płacić
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I don't agree with it, I bought in Poland I not going to pay
bagaż został uszkodzony
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my luggage was damaged
mój bagaż został skradziony
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my luggage has been stolen
moj bagaż jeszcze nie dotarł
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my luggage hasn't arrived yet
chciałbym zwrot co muszę zrobić
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I get back, what should I do, return my luggage on my adres, please
jak długo mam czekać na bagaż
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How long should I wait for my luggage

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