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Frage English Antworten English
take sth into account
You must take his educational background into account when deciding what work to give him.
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consider sth
on account of
I haven't been able to travel on account of my car having broken down.
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because of
on no account
The meeting tomorrow is very important; on no account should you be late.
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under no circumstances
on this/that account
There's been hurricane, and all flights have been cancelled on this account.
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for this/that reason
on the air
You can't go into the studio just yet as the programme is still on the air.
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in the air
His future is still in the air.
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in the air Englisch
up in the air
There's a feeling of anticipation up in the air at the moment.
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it exists, but not talked about
clear the air
Instead of bottling up your feelings, let's talk about it and clear the air.
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remove suspicion or bad feeling
be up in arms
The villagers are up in arms about the proposed motorway.
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be very angry
on the alert
The fire fighters are always on the alert.
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on the look-out; expecting sth

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