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Perhaps you could hold your questions until the end of the lecture rather than keep breaking ......
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to interrupt
The two countries have broken ...... diplomatic relations.
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to end sth suddenly
War in the Falklands broke ........ in 1982.
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to begin suddenly (ofwar, disease, fire etc)
When accused, she broke ........ and confessed her guilt.
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to lose control of oneself
Breaking ....... a smile, Tim said "Happy birthday."
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suddenly start doing sth
Breaking ....... poverty barrier she became a world-famous scientist.
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achieve success despite obstacles or difficulties
What........ John? I haven't seen him for ages.
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has become of
has happened
Over the years he ....... an impressive collection of artefacts from all over the world.
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has built up
has accumulated
Your request for greater financial support has to ........ the claims from other departments
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balanced against
be assessed in relation to
He may come tomorrow but don't ... it.
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He may come tomorrow but don't ... it. Englisch
bank on
depend on
Their disagreement about where to spend their holidays soon...
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blew over
stopped and was forgotten.
The restaurant was fully ... so we went to another.
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booked up
I accept your excuse. His statement........ your story.
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bears out
supports the truth of
Fortunately, no one was in the car when it........
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blew up
it exploded.
I must ... my Italian before going to that meeting in Rome.
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brush up on
After days of rain, the sun finally........ from behind the clouds.
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broke through
became visible

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