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somebody is the last to arrive and the first to leave
Dennis is the last to arrive in the office and the first to leave.
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ktoś jest ostatnim żeby przyjechać i pierwszym żeby wyjechać
be surprised to do
I am surprised to hear that the boss thinks quite highly of him.
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być zdziwionym czymś, widzeniem, słyszeniem...
dare sb to do sth
I dare you not to tell Dennis to his face what you really think of him.
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rzucać komuś wyzwanie
dare do sth or dare to do sth
I didn't dare tell Dad that I'd scratched his car.
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odważyć się coś zrobić
be certain to do sth
He is certain to ask your opinion of Helen.
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mieć pewność czegoś
You can rely on Denis asking awkward questions.
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niewygodny, niezręczny (o sytuacji)
put off doing sth
I have decided to put off going to Tokyo till Monday.
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odłożyć robienie czegoś
arrange to do sth
We have arranged to meet in London when I return from Tokyo.
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zorganizować, załatwić zrobienie czegoś
consider doing sth
We're considering buying a new car.
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rozważyć, brać pod uwagę
mess about
I enjoy messing about in boats.
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robić głupstwa
intend to do something
I intend to get a boat of my own one day.
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zamierzać coś zrobić
resent doing sth
I resent having to work late
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nie cierpieć
persuade someone to do something
We managed to persuade him to come with us.
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przekonać kogoś do zrobienia czegoś
advise sb to do something
His doctor advised him to take time off work
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doradzić komuś żeby coś zrobił
plan to do sth = plan on doing
We're planning on catching the early train.
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planować coś zrobić
She was just trying to be hospitable.
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resist doing sth
I just can't resist reading other people's mail.
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opierać się robieniu czegoś
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