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 0    15 Datenblatt    jacekzalewski00
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something is getting higher and higher.
The cost of electricity is getting higher and higher.
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coś jest coraz wyższe (droższe)
The government is under pressure due to the increase of unemployment over the last eighteen months.
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increase Englisch
wzrost / przyrost
to increase
Since the last show her popularity has increased.
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zwiększać / wzrastać
I was unaware of the fact that you had gone out.
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contribute to something/ doing something
His constant lateness contributed to being sacked from the company.
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przyczynić się do czegoś /zrobienia czegoś
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spóźnienie, opóźnienie
not nearly
I am not nearly as good at tennis as Harry is.
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wcale nie
hardly any
There is hardly any differance between the job candidates.
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prawie nie
hardly ever
We've hardly ever spoken to each other.
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prawie nigdy
there is no sign of something
There was no sign of robbers when the arrived.
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nie ma oznak czegoś
keep an eye on somebody
Keep an eye on the secretary this week to make sure she doesn't make any big mistakes.
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pilnować kogoś/mieć na kogoś oko
come as a surprise to somebody
It shouldn't have come as a surprise that Kevin won that tournament.
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okazać się dla kogoś niespodzianką, być dla kogoś niespodzianką
not have the foggiest idea
I don't have the foggiest idea whether he will be coming or not.
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Nie mieć zielonego pojęcia
no something whatsoever
I have no idea whatsoever whether he wil be coming or not. There's no evidence whatsoever that she was involved.
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absolutnie żaden

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