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get over something
She still really hasn't got over being fired in August.
Lernen beginnen
wyzdrowieć, dochodzić do siebie (np. po chorobie, wypadku)
take somebody in
I regret to say that I was taken in by his fake story.
Lernen beginnen
nabierać, oszukiwać kogoś
look after something
Properly looked after this washing machine will give you years of service.
Lernen beginnen
dbać o coś
tackle sth
Could you help me tackle a problem with my son?
Lernen beginnen
uporać się (z czymś), stawiać czoło (problemom)
quit something
Lernen beginnen
rzucić coś
Never quit certainty for hope.
Lernen beginnen
Lepszy wróbel w garści niż gołąb na dachu.
be taken aback
Lernen beginnen
zostać zaskoczonym
take somebody aback
Everyone was taken aback by the news about President quitting.
Lernen beginnen
take somebody aback Englisch
zaskakiwać kogoś
I have no objections.
Lernen beginnen
Nie mam żadnych zastrzeżeń.
As far as I am aware.
Lernen beginnen
O ile mi wiadomo.
not to my knowledge
Lernen beginnen
nic o tym nie wiem; o ile mi wiadomo, to nie
to my knowledge
To my knowledge Janet has no formal qualification.
Lernen beginnen
o ile wiem
out of the blue
This morning's test came out of the blue for every one of us.
Lernen beginnen
nagle, znienacka
be cut out to be something
I just don't think you are cut out to be a lawyer.
Lernen beginnen
być stworzonym do czegoś (np. do jakiejś pracy)
under no circumstances
Under no circumstances should you let anyone into the building without proper identity.
Lernen beginnen
pod żadnym warunkiem, w żadnym razie

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