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giving only the information that is necessary and important
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zwięzły, treściwy
clear and concise instructions
in a way that is correct and appropriate
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odpowiednio, właściwie
Our TV set is not working properly.
to put up with
to accept sth that is unpleasent; tolerate
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(musieć) wytrzymać
I'm not going to put up with their smoking any longer.
to come up with
to find or produce an answer or a sum of money
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wpaść na coś, np. wpaść na pomysł
She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.
money spent in doing a particular job
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wydatki, koszty
Can I give you something towards expenses?
a promise to do sth or to behave in a particular way; a promise to support
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zaangażowanie, zobowiązanie
enough for particular purpose; as much as you need
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Please allow sufficent time to get there.
an issue
an important topic
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kwestia, sprawa
This is a big issue.
the sum of money that sb owes
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I need to pay off all my debts.
an award
a prize; the amount of money that a court decides should be given to sb who won a case
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nagroda, odszkodowanie
an award of 600 000$ libel damages
to turn down (the offer)
to reject or refuse to consider an offer
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Why she did turn down your invitation?
to grumble
to complain about sth/sb in a bad-tempered way
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marudzić, zrzędzić
She is always grumbling about how badly she is treated.
having a lot of courage and determination
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a tender
a formal offer to supply goods or carry out work at a stated price
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Cleaning and laundry services have been put out to tender.
possible and likely to be achieved
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realny, możliwy do zrealizowania
a feasibly plan
to avert
to prevent sth bad or dangerous from happening
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He did his best to avert suspicion.
contingency plan
a plan designed to take account of a possible future event or circumstance
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plan awaryjny
to blame sb for sth
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winić kogoś za coś
strange or unusual, especially in a way that is unpleasant or worrying
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swoisty, osobliwy
There was something peculiar in the way he smiled.
to set out
to start
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He set out on a journey.
to collate
to collect information together from different sources in order to compare it
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to boost morale
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wzmocnić morale
to seclude
to isolate; shut off; keep apart
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They secluded the garden from the rest of the property.
beginning to grow rapidly
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the burgeoning population of China
an obstacle
something that obstructs or hinders progress
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A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job.
happening immediately
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an instantaneous response
external networks
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zewnętrzna sieć
to weed out (information)
to remove or get rid of people or things from a group because they are not wanted or are less good than other
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to be verbose
using or containing more words than are needed
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używać więcej słów niż trzeba
a verbose speech
a quest
a search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something
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I'm in quest of my my keys (sound too pompous though).
a shot in the dark
a wild guess
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strzał w ciemno
It was just a shot in the dark. I had no idea I was exactly correct.
to spell the death of
to cause the end of something
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położyć kres czemuś
These regulations could spell the death of the industry.
to accuse
to say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty for sth
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zarzucić, oskarżać
She accused him of lying.
to set up
to create sth or start it
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założyć, otworzyć
He set up a business.
a spreadsheet
a computer program that is used, for example, when doing financial planning
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arkusz kalkulacyjny
a dashboard
a part of a car in front of a driver that has instruments and controls in it
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deska rozdzielcza
to wire up
to connect a building, piece of equipment, e.g. to an electricity supply using wires
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podłączyć do czegoś
too much of sth
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przeciążenie, przeładowanie
In these days of technological change we all suffer from information overload.
a supply chain
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sieć dystrybucyjna
a substance that can flow
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płyn, ciecz
The doctor told him to drink plenty of fluids.
evaporating rapidly
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1. Petrol is a volatile substance. 2. a highly volatile person (changing easily).
to gather
to collect information from different sources
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Detectives have spent months gathering evidence.
an assignment
a task or piece of work that sb is given to do
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zadanie, misja, przydział
You will need to complete three written assigments per semester.
grateful to sb for help
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zobowiązany, wdzięczny, dłużny
I am deeply indebted to my family for all their help.
industrial espionage
spying directed towards discovering the secrets of a rival manufacturer or other industrial company
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szpiegostwo przemysłowe
to reassure
to say or do sth that makes sb less frightened or worried
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They tried to reassure her, but she still felt anxious.
to allude to
to mention sth in an indirect way
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odnieść się do czegoś
The problem has beed alluded to briefly in an earlier discussion.
financial misconduct
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przekręt finansowy
a subsidiary
a company owned or controlled by another company
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filie, jednostki zależne
She is working for an overseas subsidiary of the company.
sensitive information
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informacje poufne
the process of becoming worse
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A serious deterioration in relations between the two countries.
connected or linked closely
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The closer the relations between states become, the more their commercial interests are intertwined.
wee hours
the hours very late at night or very early in the morning
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późne godziny
He had to work wee hours.
"determined to get what you want and not carying if you hurt other people
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He has a ruthless determination to succeed. We will have to be ruthless if we want to make the company more efficent.
to swipe
to pass a plastic card through a special machine that is able to read the information that is stored on it
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przeciągnać (kartę magnetyczną)
The cash register only opens once the card has been swiped.
rapid pace
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szybkie tempo
to affect
to produce a change in sb/sth
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How will these change affect us?

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