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goods that are carried by ship, train or aircraft
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a product used in the home
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household product
pieces of electrical equipment used in people’ homes
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rooms, equipment or services provided for a particular purpose
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public services used by everyone
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a new business activity, It collocates with the word capital to mean money available to expand a successful start-up
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a company or important project
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an amount of money that a company owes, it can also mean the legal responsibility for paying for smth
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professional who works for several companies
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people working for themselves with the legal status of sole trader
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self – employed
wybrać audytora
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to appoint auditor
elected by shareholders and responsible to them
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the board
run the company on a day-to-day basis
the senior management team
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run the company on a day-to-day basis
a year-to-date increase
wzrost o 8%
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and year-to-date Increase
a year-on-year increase of 8%
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wzrost rok do roku o 8%
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ally, alliances
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team up, working tohghether
(product) (amount produced) produkcja f; (of raw material) uzysk m; (of process, oil rig) wydajność; Agric plon m, zbiór m;
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yield /jild/
roczna produkcja mleka
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the annual yield of milk
nowe gałęzie przemysłu lekkiego
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new branches of light industry
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zrobić krok do tyłu/do przodu
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to take a pace backwards/forwards
tempo życia
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the pace of life
w szybkim/wolnym tempie; szybko/wolno
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at a fast/slow pace
wróciliśmy wolnym krokiem
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we returned at a leisurely pace;
własnym rytmem
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at one’s own pace
odmierz|yć, -ać krokami
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pace out: pace out [sth], pace [sth] out [distance]
zagraniczna spółka zależna
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foreign subsidiary

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