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remark, this is the first sane remark I've heard today, I would like to make couple of personal remarks, next time you should ignore his silly remarks
rozsądny, przy zdrowych zmysłach, normalny, poczytalny,
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sane, on this point he's sane, I am the only sane amongst them
urozmaicać, dywersyfikować, zróżnicować, urozmaicić,
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diversify, to diversify the classic collection basic, we added more colors,
skombinować, skołować coś, upichcic, wygrzebać,
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rustle up, I know the place where we can rustle up a car, sorry I couldn't rustle up more drags for you
odzwierciedlić, odbijać sie/ coś, być wynikiem
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reflect, her face reflected in the mirror, his actions reflected his character, his success reflects his hard work
wewnętrzny, skryty skierowany do wewnątrz,
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zewnętrzny, wypływający, na zewnątrz, widoczny
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outward, he had a serious illness, but there was no outwards sign of it, the door opens outward
dreszcze, ciarki, drzy
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shivers, I have shivers just thinking about it, he always gives me a shivers
z tego co pamiętam
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from what I remember
wytchnienie, ulga, odroczenie, zwłoka,
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respite, I need a break, some respite, we gained a brief respite
a nie mówiłam
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I told you so
nie musisz mi mówić,
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tell me about it
coś Ci powiem, wiesz co...
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I tell you what
prawdę mówiąc
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I tell you the truth
płot, ogrodzenie
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fence, we have to build a new fence
związek, mieszanka, a, kompleks, obuz, pogłębić, zwiększyć,
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założyć, ustanowić, prosty, wyprostowany,
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etect, he stood very etect, looking the king streight in the eyes
w rzeczy samej, naprawdę, rzeczywiście,
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indeed, today I feel very good indeed
z perspektywy czasu, po fakcie,
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in hindsight, in hindsight maybe we shouldn't have told that part of the story
świetny, fantastyczny, miażdżący, druzgocący, kolizja
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wyjątkowo, niezwykle, szczególnie, nadzwyczajnie
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sądzić, liczyć się, przypuszczać,
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reckon, I reckon it could be a good move, I don't reckon you respect me very much, do you reckon people can change?
zepsuty, stuknięty, zbzikowany, zrzędliwy, marudny
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cranky, since he changed his job he became very cranky, I'm normalny not that cranky
Nie potrzebie coś zrobiłem
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I needn't have done
pochopnie, lekkomyslnie, nagle, pospiesznie
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hastily, you don't want to act hastily in such an important matter
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bezwzględny, nie ugięty, nieustajacy, surowy, bezwzględny,
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relentless, this man is dangerous and relentless, they are relentless and without mercy
sznurek, szereg, seria, ciag
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string, he experienced a string of failures,
wlec, ciągnąć,
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drag, I am really dragging myself through the day, the box was so heavy that I had to drag it across the floor, don't drag her with you if she wants to stay
zdarzac sie, wystepowac, pojawić się, przyjść do głowy,
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occur, serious problemu like this occur very rarely, changed that we didn't expect occurred, a great plan accured to me, it never accured to me
uroczysty, świąteczny, bozonarodzeniowy, radosny, odswietny
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festive, it puts me in festive, celebratory mood, I thought it will be a bit more festive
przybory, sprzęt, klejnoty męskie,
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tackle, I don't have a necessary tackle, he kicked me in my tackle, he took his tackle and went fishing
uporać się z czymś, stawić czoło, blokować, atakować przeciwnika w grze,
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tackle they had a couple of problems to tackle, the company has to tackle the crisis, the player tackled his opponent
wzmacniać zwiększać (obawy) poszerzać, rozwijać (wypowiedź)
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amplify, you can amplify the signal using ubs extension cable
hart, hart ducha, mestwo
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fortitude, equip yourself with patience and fortitude, it requires fortitude
wyposażyć, zaopatrzyć,
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equip, equip yourself with patience
zapytać, pytać się
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enquire, he enquired how he could get to London, I will go and enquire
chwalić się, przechwalać, Szczycin się, przechwala, duma, chluba
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boast, stop boasting, you're not that special, Poland boasts its beautiful mointains, I am boast of my family
sprzeciwiać się, wyrażać sprzeciw
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object, she objected her Mother constantly, I object, ther is no evidence that she is the killer
Komenda, polecenie, kazać, wydać rozkaz
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command, the teacher commanded his students to answer the question, you have to obey all his commands
namówić, przekonać, perswadować,
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persuade, my family persuaded me to start studing, the estate agent persuaded me to buy this flat
facet, gość, kumpel, człek, znajomy, absolwent na stypendium, czlonek
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fellow, this is my fellow, Jack. My sister is a fellow at Brown University, Jack is a nice fellow, fellow neighbors will come over to dinner
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wedrowac, zbłądzić, włuczyć się, błąkać się
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wander, none of us should wander alone,
strome wzgórze
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steep hill
bogactwo wiedzy,
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wealth of knowledge, he have many years experience and wealth of knowledge in this industry
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poverty, poverty is still a problem in the Third World countries
Ukryty skarb/ klejnot,
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hidden gem
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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
subtract, they subtracked 20 % from the full price, what had he added to or subtracted from that writing? it take a while but I'm able to subtract a lot of things from my list
do pewnego stopnia
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to a certain extent, to some extent, to some degree, in some measure, everybody is psychotic to some degree, I believe him to some extent,
do pewnego stopnia, w pewnym stopniu, częściowo,
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to same extend, at least to certain extent, we are all lost here, some to a great extend then the others

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