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endanger health
proffessional sport endangers health
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zagrażać zdrowiu
endangering lives
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zagrażając życiu
You can recount your version of events with this.
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opowiadać, wspominac, przeliczyc
eschewing eggs
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unikając jaj
raw foodist
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witarianin (dieta zimne jedzenie)
clumps of her hair
Atter using the showers... could people please pick up the clumps of hair in the plug holes.
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kępki jej włosów
she was on a downward path
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była na równi pochyłej
my body overruled my mind
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moje ciało opuściło mój umysł
He may overrule and change the call on the field.
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unieważnić, odrzucić
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nieład, zaburzenie
deficiency of
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European Parliament's control over this will be particularly unbending.
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to lose her sight
she was loosing her sight for years to finnaly became blind at the age of sixty
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stracić wzrok
'Disease disguised as virtue'
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"Choroba przebrana za cnotę"
was coined
Mr. King coined the term, but the phenomenon existed long before that.
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został ukuty, został wynaleziony
it is being fanned
The wind fanned the flames.
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to jest podsycane (rozniecane)
the intestines
This is intestinal fat that insulates our intestines.
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it has a home in the family of
i have a home in the family of blackbeery users
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być częścią czegoś większego
has worked over the course of a 30-year
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pracował przez 30 lat
the problem may be tackled
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problem może zostać rozwiązany
to tackle anxiety
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zmagać się z lękami
contend with
first you must contend with your fears
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zmagac sie z czyms, borykac sie z czyms
seems to be creeping into
i watch the fear creep into them.
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wydaje się wkradac do
insecticide-contaminated eggs
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jajka zanieczyszczone owadobójczo
a craving for control
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pragnienie kontroli
suspicion of being poisoned is deemed proof of insight
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podejrzenie o zatrucie jest uważany za dowód wglądu
deemed proof
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uznany za dowód
dairy products
some people avoid dairy products but not me. i love them.
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produkty mleczne

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