Phrasal Verbs

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Mi voglio candidare per il parlamento
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Stand for
You might say stand for parliament for instance
La ditta aveva intenzione di assumere nuovi impiegati
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Take on
Puoi usarlo per dire assumere lavoratori o incarico
The firm was going to take on new employees
Apparecchiare la tavola
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Lay the table
You can also say set the table
I ladri sono scappati con dei soldi
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Make away
The thieves made away with money
Annullare un evento
Il picnic è stato annullato
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Call off an event
The picnic was called off
Visitare qualcuno
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Call on someone
Vuol dire anche spegnere il fuoco
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Put out
Campare/ Andare avanti (Economicamente)
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Get by
Sfumare/ Fallire
Andare a monte
Avevamo trovato un accordo per la casa, ma alla fine è andato a monte
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Fall through
We had found an agreement for the selling of the house but it fell through

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