Phrasal verbs

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wyjaśnić coś (podać powody)
Lernen beginnen
account for
I have no idea how can I account for my strange behaviour.
pyskować, niegrzecznie odpowiadać
Lernen beginnen
answer back
Parents don't like it when children answer them back.
popierać kogoś
Lernen beginnen
back up
Will you back me up in the school election?
podszlifować, odświeżyć (np. znajomość języka)
Lernen beginnen
brush up on
Instead of wasting my time, I should brush up on my English more often.
nadrabiać (zaległości)
Lernen beginnen
catch up with
After so much time of not seeing each other, they have a lot to catch up with.
rozchmurzać się (nastrój)
Lernen beginnen
cheer up
natknąć się na
Lernen beginnen
come across
As we were going down the hill, we came across a wolf!
pokłócić sie
Lernen beginnen
fall out with
We shouldn't fall out with each other about such a stupid thing.
wywinąć się, uchodzić płazem
Lernen beginnen
get away with
I'm sure this time he will not get away with it and get punished.
mieć dobre relacje z kimś
Lernen beginnen
get on with
I really get on well with my neighbours.
pokonać, przezwyciężyć
Lernen beginnen
get over
Amy had lots of problems but with our help she got them over.
Lernen beginnen
go by
I can't believe that time goes by so fast.
Lernen beginnen
go through
I'll go through these reports quickly to see if there are no mistakes.
Lernen beginnen
hang on
Hang on a minute. I'll show you what I've found.
zachorować na
Lernen beginnen
come down with
It's typical for me to come down with flu every year.
wychodzić na jaw/ być wydanym (o książce, filmie itp.)
Lernen beginnen
come out
The latest record of Coldplay comes out next week.
wpaść na (np. pomysł)
Lernen beginnen
come up with
It was a bit difficult to come up with this idea.
liczyć na kogoś
Lernen beginnen
count on
George is someone you can count on. He's so helpful.
Lernen beginnen
cut down on
If you want to keep fit, you must cut down on sweets.
Lernen beginnen
cut off
After the storm almost the whole town had their electricity cut off.
Lernen beginnen
do up
I suppose we will do the house up when the weather's better.
wycofać się
Lernen beginnen
draw back
Even though they promised to help us, they drew back anyway.
zmierzać do czegoś/ próbować/ powiedzieć
Lernen beginnen
drive at
I have no idea what you are driving at.
wpadać z wizytą
Lernen beginnen
drop in
If you are in NY some day, don't forget to drop in.
podrzucić kogoś gdzieś po drodze/ zasnąć (uciąć komara)
Lernen beginnen
drop off
I can drop you off on my way home.
znaleźć się gdzieś (nieoczekiwanie)
Lernen beginnen
end up
We were looking for good restaurants and finally ended up in McDonald's.
przyglądać się komuś
Lernen beginnen
eye up
Peter is shy and he will always eye girls up instead of talking to them.
stawić czoła czemuś
Lernen beginnen
face up to
It's time we faced up to this sad matter. We cannot run anymore.
zostawać z tyłu
Lernen beginnen
fall behind
I was lazy and now I've fallen behind all my classmates.
zmierzać do
Lernen beginnen
head for
Excuse me Sir, where are you heading for?
dotrzymywać kroku, nadążać za czymś/ kimś
Lernen beginnen
keep up with
If you don't want to be left behind, keep up with the rest of us.
odpuścić/ darować komuś
Lernen beginnen
let off
This is not your first mistake. Why should I let you off?
sprostać czemuś/ spełnić oczekiwania
Lernen beginnen
live up to
It was always difficult for me to live up to my teacher's expectations.
patrzeć na kogoś z góry/ pogardzać
Lernen beginnen
look down on
I don't like people who look down on others just because they're poor.
wyczekiwać/ nie móc się czegoś doczekać
Lernen beginnen
look forward to
I look forward to opening Christmas gifts.
Lernen beginnen
look out
Look out, the car is going to hit the tree.
sprawdzać (np. w słowniku)
Lernen beginnen
look up
If I find a word I don't understand, I just look it up in dictionary.
podziwiać kogoś
Lernen beginnen
look up to
Teenagers look up to their idols.
zrozumieć/ rozgryźć coś, rozczytać
Lernen beginnen
make out
Janet has always been a secretive person. I can't make her out.
wynagrodzić komuś coś
Lernen beginnen
make up for
Sorry for everything I did to you. You can be sure that I'll make up for all this.
przejść do czegoś
Lernen beginnen
move on to
Can you move on to the next point?
operować kogoś
Lernen beginnen
operate on
The doctors operated on Ellen last Tuesday. Now she's fine.
Lernen beginnen
opt for
So have you opted for the right doctor?
czepiać się kogoś/ dokuczać
Lernen beginnen
pick on
One of my school mates used to pick on me but I didn't care about that.
podłapać (język)/ podnieść/ odebrać (np. z lotniska)
Lernen beginnen
pick up
As I was staying at my friends' in London, I tried to pick up some English slang.
odłożyć coś na później
Lernen beginnen
put off
I don't think we'll do it on time. Why don't we put it off?
odnosić się do czegoś/ zaglądać do
Lernen beginnen
refer to
Before I make a decision, please let me refer to some formal regulations.
dzwonić/ telefonować
Lernen beginnen
ring up
As soon as you hear this message, please ring me up.
przejechać/ potrącić
Lernen beginnen
run over
Some woman was run over by a drunk driver but she is fine.
Lernen beginnen
save up
Every month I try to save up some money for my summer holiday.
chwalić się/ popisywać sie czymś
Lernen beginnen
show off
Just because he's rich, it doesn't mean he must show off so much.
przypominać kogoś/ być podobnym
Lernen beginnen
take after
Look, he takes after his father so much.
cofać coś, co się powiedziało/ odszczekać
Lernen beginnen
take back
You'd better take back what you said about her or you'll regret it.
oszukać, nabrać kogoś
Lernen beginnen
take in
I can't believe he took me in again. How can I trust him?
zdejmować (np. ubranie)/ startować (o samolocie)
Lernen beginnen
take off
The plane is about to take off in a couple of minutes.
zacząć coś robić (np. nowe hobby)/ podjąć się czegoś
Lernen beginnen
take up
Did you know that Martin took up yoga classes?
namawiać kogoś/ przekonać
Lernen beginnen
talk into
They want to talk us into going to the party late at night but it's a stupid idea.
skarcić/ besztać
Lernen beginnen
tell off
Her mother told her off when she heard that she was dating an older man.
rozgrzewać się
Lernen beginnen
warm up
By the time you jump into cold water, warm up a bit.
pakować/ zakończyć
Lernen beginnen
wrap up
Let's wrap up this project for today. I'm to tired to continue.
źle się zachowywać, źle działać
Lernen beginnen
act up
1. My car always acts up in cold weather. 2. Sophie got bored and started acting up.
zadomowić się, ustatkować
Lernen beginnen
settle down
Come on, have a cup of tea and settle down.
Lernen beginnen
held up
. I'm so sorry I'm late, I got held up at the hospital.
spisać, zrecenzować
Lernen beginnen
write up
We've done all the research, now we need to write up the report.
wykonać zadanie
Lernen beginnen
carry out
I couldn’t carry out my plan for the month.
wspomnieć o czymś
Lernen beginnen
bring up
Remember, don’t bring up Mary’s breakup when you talk to her.
znosić coś, tolerować
Lernen beginnen
put up with
I can’t put up with your behavior anymore.
przejąć kontrolę nad czymś
Lernen beginnen
take over
Mrs. Jones, the math teacher, is taking a maternity leave and Mrs. Green will be taking over.
Lernen beginnen
come up
A young girl came up to me and asked for money.
wezwanie do wojska
Lernen beginnen
She was very upset when her boyfriend received his call-up
zyskać popularność
Lernen beginnen
catch on
I wonder if the game will ever catch on with young people?
ustalić, okreslić
Lernen beginnen
set down
The rules of the club are set down in the members' handbook.
podołać czemuś
Lernen beginnen
carry through
It is doubtful whether it will be possible to carry through the education reforms.
Lernen beginnen
set up
Rebels have set up an independent state within the country.
odnotować, określić
Lernen beginnen
set down
1. She set all these events down in her diary. 2. He set the whole experience down as a failure.
Lernen beginnen
put down
Our cat was old and blind so we decided to put it down.
Lernen beginnen
rule out
First of all, we should rule out all unfeasible possibilities.
Lernen beginnen
single out
All the concerts we've seen this year were great. It's hard to single out the best one.
Lernen beginnen
use up
We have used up all the petrol and now we can't drive any longer.
odłożyć słuchawkę
Lernen beginnen
hang up
I phoned him to apologise for my behaviour, but he just hung up.
Lernen beginnen
touch down
The plane is about to touch down.
Lernen beginnen
throw up
Matt drank too much yesterday. He was throwing up the whole night.
przenocować kogoś
Lernen beginnen
put up
I didn't have enough money to rent a room but Kate put me up.
przedyskutować coś
Lernen beginnen
talk over
Before we finally decide, we must talk it over.
Lernen beginnen
pick up
He picked up a beautiful girl yesterday.
wrobić kogoś
Lernen beginnen
set up
It wasn't me who broke the window. I was set up.
Lernen beginnen
put out
Fortunately, the fire brigade managed to put out the fire.

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