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tyran z nienawiścią do
Lernen beginnen
tyrant with a hatred of
każda szansa na zdobycie
Lernen beginnen
every chance of getting
bez zamiaru + czas z ing
Lernen beginnen
no intention of+ czas z ing
przyszło mi do głowy zapytać
Lernen beginnen
occurred to me to ask
have s tendency
Lernen beginnen
being in a habit of doing
Paul is in a habit of listening loud music.
mają duże szanse na wygraną
Lernen beginnen
have a good chance of winning
They have a good chance of winning the game.
smt is obvious
Lernen beginnen
goes without saying
It goes without saying that I did not agree to lend them the money.
Lernen beginnen
blame sb/sth for sth else
They blamed job cuts for their difficulties.
intend to stop trying
Lernen beginnen
no intention of giving up
praise someone
He praised her choice of venue
Lernen beginnen
congratulate somebody on doing
He congratulated her on choosing a venue
impressed by sth
Lernen beginnen
be taken with sth
surprise smb
Lernen beginnen
take smb by surprise
number one priority
Lernen beginnen
utmost importance
It is of the utmost importance that we find the survivors.
feel like doing sth
Lernen beginnen
be in mood to do sth\ for sth
Tom wasn't in the mood to go to the party.
Tom wasn't in the mood for dancing.
impress sb
Lernen beginnen
make a good impression on sb
be affected by sb/sth
The timetable can alter depending on the weather.
Lernen beginnen
be subject to sb/sth
The timetable is subject to change depending on the weather.
make sth clearer
Lernen beginnen
shed some light on sth
It will shed some light on what happened.
Lernen beginnen
come to a conclusion that
They came to a conclusion that the business was beyond help.
it is not likely to happen
Lernen beginnen
little chance of sb doing smt
There is little chance of Tom being promoted.
doing smt asap
Tom phoned his wife as soon as he arrived in Brazil.
Lernen beginnen
lose no time in doing sth
Tom lost no time in phoning his wife on his arrival in Brazil.
stąd nazwa
Lernen beginnen
hence the name
try sth
Lernen beginnen
have a go

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