PNJA GE Relationships

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Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
biegłość, umiejętności
Lernen beginnen
to be as good as sb or sth else
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to measure up (in comparison)
to be extremely unwilling to be involved
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to run a mile
to make sb excited, especially sexually
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to drive sb wild
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utrzymywać formę
Lernen beginnen
to stay in shape
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to fall in love
Lernen beginnen
to fall for sb
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embarassment; be in a very bad situation
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Lernen beginnen
brak pewności siebie
Lernen beginnen
to make sth certainto happen
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to ensure
a woman who is conscious of and makes use of being attractive to men in order to get what she wants (+adj.)
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vamp (vampish)
no tinterested or involved
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every time
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at every turn
without money, food, home or possessions
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to descrive falsely
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to misrepresent
otrzymanie czegoś
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extremely beautiful or attractive
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to explain something in a very clear way with details
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to spell out
something that reveals a fact or an intention completely
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dead giveaway
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be off
worth having or wanted my many people
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a proverb saying that you are in charge of everything, you are free and able to go anywhere and do anything you want
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the world is your oyster
for the purpose, motive or advantage of
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for the sake of
to have to deal with a difficult or unpleasant situation
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to contend with
clearly expressed, explained or described
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Lernen beginnen
to confuse and surprise sb
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to confound
able to exist, live together, or work successfully with sth or sb
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dawać komuś fory
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to give sb a head start
tending or wanting to do sth
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spór o coś
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controversy over
to present, introduce
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to lay out
to play hard to get
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to play hard
not liking or agreeing with sth
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hostile about
an unusual part of sb's personality or sth that is strange and unexpected
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Lernen beginnen
zasypywać kogoś czymś
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to shower sb with
to make sth less forceful, usually a piece of writing or speech
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to tone sth down
to make sth increase in size by filling it with air
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to inflate sth
not important to or not involved in a situation
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out of the picture
to go in a particular direction
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to head
to keep sb not know about sth that other people know about
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to keep sb in the dark
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to volunteer
zrobić coś w zamian, by się odwdzięczyć
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to do sth in return
to try to get information or understand a meaning that is hidden or not clear
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to tease out
odstraszyć kogoś
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to scare sb off
to compliment
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to flatter
narazić się na
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to expose oneself on
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podwójna randka (noun & verb)
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(to) double-date
droga dwukierunkowa
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two-way street
niepisana zasada
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rule of thumb
bardzo ważna zasada
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golden rule
oprzeć się pragnieniu
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to resist the urge
bezzwłocznie, w tej samej chwili
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ochładzać się
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to cool off
ulubione miejsce spotkań
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pokazywać w jak najlepszym świetle
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to showcase
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to hook up (e.g. with a table in a restaurant)
certain or likely, especially to succeed
Lernen beginnen
surefire (also: to surefire)
powstrzymywać się
Lernen beginnen
to withhold yourself
to stick firmly
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to adhere
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to not do sth
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to hold back
odsunąć się
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to pull away
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Lernen beginnen
sępić od kogoś
Lernen beginnen
to bum
to test sb or sth to discover if there is anything wrong with them
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to screen
to make a judgement
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to gauge
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to not be loyal, to cheat on sb
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to betray
formułować zdania
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to phrase statements
zadawać pytania
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to pose questions
to be in a better situation
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to be better off
a lie that is told in order to be polite or to stop sb from being upset by the truth
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white lie
podnieść swoją samoocenę
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to raise your self confidence
robić więcej złego niż dobrego
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to do more harm than good
to escape from a situation without injuries or damage being caused
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to come out of the situation unscathed
to prevent a small problem from getting worse by stopping it soon after it starts
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to nip sth in the bud
a very strong belief or opinion (especially of being guilty)
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
to be very successfull at sth and get rich because of it
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to strike gold
sięgać po coś (stereotyp, fakt itp.)
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to tap into
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sth which is not serious or real that is used to attract people's attention temporarily, especially to make them buy sth
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to sell goods by taking them to different places; to spread information by telling other people
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to peddle sth
to repair or improve sth so that every part of it works as it should
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to overhaul
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to use sth or sb in an effective way
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to deploy
used when mentioning sth that is not as important as the main subject of conversation, but is connected to it
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expensive or of high cost
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a big-ticket item
without thinking, sudden
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impulse shopper
przeprowadzić wywiad
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to conduct an interview
sb's situation, especially when it's not very good
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sb's lot in life
to prevent sb from escaping
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to trap sb
krok wstecz
Lernen beginnen
zdobycze, osiągnięcia ruchu feministycznego
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gains of feminism
równorzędne partnerstwo
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equal partnership
to give advice, especially on social or personal problems
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to counsel
someone who saves sb from a danger or harm
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to do sth sb says or advises
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to follow (faithfully)
to arrange a date for sb
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to fix sb up
worried or frightened by sth
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a border / limits of what is known about sth
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making things happen rather than reacting to events
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getting more control over your own life
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shocking, because unusual or strange
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only thinking of other people's advantage
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almost out of control because of extreme emotion, such as worry
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hałas, zgiełk
Lernen beginnen
uncontrolled and excited, sometimes violent
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the quality or power that sth or sb has that makes them attractive
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lure of
Lernen beginnen
to bag
to take sth suddenly, or to catch or arrest a criminal
Lernen beginnen
to nab
attractively thin, graceful and stylish
Lernen beginnen
to fish for
Lernen beginnen
to trawl for
the worst-case scenario
Lernen beginnen
a situation where everything that could go wrong, went wrong
to start to panic
Lernen beginnen
to hit the panic button
to hang sth on the wall
Lernen beginnen
to mount sth on the wall
to repeat details that are similar to, and make you think of, sth else
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to echo
suitable for a small group of people
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niche (marketing)
to try another way to deal with a problem
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to take a different tack
kampania reklamowa
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advertising campaign
odnieść porażkę na rynku
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to fail in the marketplace
designed to be used for one particular purpose
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dedicated (budget)
to gather
Lernen beginnen
to assemble
describes hair that is carefully arranged in an attractive style
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
to arrange a date for sb
Lernen beginnen
to set sb up
a shop which provides a stated type of personal service or sells a stated product
Lernen beginnen
zwiększyć czyjeś szanse
Lernen beginnen
to improve one's chances
to make people understand what you mean without saying it directly
Lernen beginnen
to intimate
wanting or needing sth very much
Lernen beginnen
hungry for
rozwinąć zauroczenie
Lernen beginnen
to develop infatuation
to be strongly attracted to sb
Lernen beginnen
to have hots for sb
completely in love with sb and always thinking about them
Lernen beginnen
be besotted with sb
to be attracted to sb
Lernen beginnen
to fancy sb
to invite for a date
Lernen beginnen
to ask out
zrobić pierwszy krok
Lernen beginnen
to make the first move
to talk to sb in a way that shows that you're attracted to them
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to chat up
to date sb excusively
Lernen beginnen
to go steady with sb
to become romantically involved
Lernen beginnen
to become an item
to establish a romantic relationship with sb
Lernen beginnen
to get off with sb
Lernen beginnen
on and off
having a lot of sexual partners
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to do wild and foolish things of sexual meaning (of men)
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to sow sb's wild oats
to have many romantic or sexual relationships
Lernen beginnen
to play the field
have had many partners (of women)
Lernen beginnen
to be (a bit) loose
to be sexually active with more than one partner
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to sleep around
a sexual encounter that is limited to only one occasion
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a one-night stand
to cheat on sb
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to two-time sb (two-timer)
without sb's knowledge, secret from sb
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behind sb's back
to have an affair with
Lernen beginnen
to have a fling with
(for a man) to ask a woman to marry him
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to pop the question
to get married
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to tie the know / to institutionalize / to take the plunge
rzucić kogoś
Lernen beginnen
to dump/ditch/chuck sb
Lernen beginnen
to split up / to break it off/call it off
easily upset and annoyed, often complaining
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covered with soft thin hair
Lernen beginnen
too pleased or satisfied about something you have achieved or something you know
Lernen beginnen
having very strong beliefs and often trying to persuade other people to have the same beliefs
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to balance one influence against an opposing influence, so that there is no great difference as a result
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to offset
a small solid pill which contains a drug and which is put inside the anus where it dissolves easily
Lernen beginnen
the egg of a louse, which sticks to the fur of an animal or the hair of a person
Lernen beginnen
love that began the first moment they saw each other
Lernen beginnen
love at first sight
to fall deeply in love
Lernen beginnen
to fall head over heels
to be only attracted to
Lernen beginnen
to only have eyes for
romantically obsessed
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to like each other at the moment people met
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to hit it off immediately
people who feel very close to each other
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soul mates
a friend who has been with you all your life
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lifelong companion
someone who thinks exactly the way you do
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a man after my own heart
to have an enjoyable relationship
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to get along like a house on fire
very close friends
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bosom friends
a change of one's feeling for sb
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a change of heart
to allow one's feelings to be too obvious
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to wear one's heart on one's sleeve
sb one was once in love with
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an old flame of one's
the ideal man
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the man of one's dreams
all actions are justified when there is feeling of love
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all is fair in love and war
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jednostronna miłość
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one-sided love
małżeństwo z rozsądku
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convenience marriage
mąż oddany rodzinie
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a family man
a love between husband and wife
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marital love
not to take enough care of one's husband/wife
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to neglect one's spouse
poświęcać się rodzinie
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to be devoted to family
być głową domu
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to wear trousers in the house
on skupia całe życie wokół żony
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his life in centered around his wife
on przedkłada rodzinę przed wszystko
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his family always comes first
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family members
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kith and kin
age appropiate to have children
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marital age
to have a close relationship with one's parents
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to have tight bonds with one's parents
zbyt przejmować się swoim starym
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to fuss over one's man too much
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only child
wysoki/niski przyrost naturalny
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low/high birthrat
a conflict between parents and children
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generation gap
it's difficult to maintain a child
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a child is hard to manage
to reconcile making career with taking care of children
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to combine a career with raising children
to have less sophisticated ambitions connected with one's job
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to cut down on one's career ambitions
to start a friendly relationship
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to strike up friendship
to ruin friendly relationship between sb
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to spoil sb's friendship
wspólni znajomi
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mutual friends
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zobowiązać się
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to make a commitment
odwzajemnić miłość
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to return/reciprocate love
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people who look at life in the same way
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kindred spirits
bliska więź
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close bond
dobrze dobrana para
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well-matched couple
zagorzali rywale
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bitter rivals
lojalny sprzymierzeniec
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staunch ally
uczciwa szczerość
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scupulous honesty
całkowita i niezachwiana lojalność
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complete and unswervering loyalty
a family where the parents are divorced
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a broken home
to have good and bad moments in a relationship
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to have ups and downs / to have a bumpy relationship
(of relationship) to turn bad
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to go sour
a serious disagreement that splits a relationship
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a serious rift
bitter, often prolonged quarrel or state of enmity, especially such a state of hostilities between two families or clans
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(family) feud
prawdziwe nieporozumienie
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genuine misunderstanding
disagreement and discontent
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to have different opinions
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not to see eye to eye
uwziąć się na kogoś
Lernen beginnen
to have it in for sb

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