Potoczny brytyjski (2011-11)

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Frage English Antworten English
to miss the boat(bus)
Lernen beginnen
to waste an opportunity
to thumb through (the pages of a book)
Lernen beginnen
to turn the pages of a book/magazine, not reading properly, but out of interest
to be tight-fisted
Lernen beginnen
to be stingy/mean
as old as the hills
Lernen beginnen
very, very old
a crumb of comfort
Lernen beginnen
a small consolation
to get hammered
Lernen beginnen
to get very drunk
to belt someone
Lernen beginnen
to punch/hit somebody hard
to bore the pants off somebody
Lernen beginnen
to bore somebody very much
the lights were on but nobody was at home
Lernen beginnen
to be mentally flawed/inadequate
to be on a treadmill
Lernen beginnen
to be employed on punishing, endless work
daft as a brush
Lernen beginnen
to be very stupid (głupi jak osioł)
to call it a day
Lernen beginnen
to stop working, often said by workers when they judge they have worked enough for one day; it would be best to abandon some plan or deal/agreement
to get wind of
Lernen beginnen
to receive early warning of looming dangers, often from a confidential source
a wallflower
Lernen beginnen
a girl who has not been invited to dance, and sits/stands with her back to the wall at a dance hall/night club/party without a partner
to stem the flood/tide
Lernen beginnen
to stop the flow of sth
a cushy life
Lernen beginnen
a comfortable and easy life
the gift of the gab
Lernen beginnen
the ability to speak eloquently and fluently
my foot!
Lernen beginnen
an utterance expressing incredulity or suspicion
24-7 / 24/7
Lernen beginnen
a shop, bar or restaurant open round the clock for 24hrs, 7 days a week

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