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to snap pictures........ There were many tourists snapping pictures at the beach.
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tomar fotos. to take (a photograph).
to snap... The images were snapped by a satellite camera.
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tomar fotos. to take (a photograph).
The photographer Raul de Molina snapped the famous couple leaving a London club last week ....... to snap.
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tomar fotos. to take (a photograph).
to snap... Kaz and Quito they argued and snapped at each other all the time.
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hablar bruscamente. to speak using short, angry sentences or phrases.
to snap... I asked Kathy Williams if she was OK, but she just snapped; I think it might be best to leave her alone for now.
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hablar bruscamente. to speak using short, angry sentences or phrases.
Donal Trump just SNAPPED and started swearing at everybody........ to SNAP.
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(slang), Gritar a, despotricar, hundirse, colapsarse emocionalmente. to suddenly no longer be able to control your emotions because of a difficult situation, circumstance, etc.
to snap ........ The white house”s spokesman snapped under the pressure of the job.
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(slang), Paralizarse emocionalmente. to suddenly no longer be able to control your emotions because of a difficult situation, circumstance, etc.
Essy put up with her boss's unfair criticism for months, but finally she snapped ........ to SNAP.
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Gritar a. to speak sharply or angrily to somebody). to suddenly no longer be able to control your emotions because of a difficult situation, circumstance, etc.
Lalo was holding a twig in his hands and he snapped it....... to snap.
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Quebrar algo rapidamente con un sonido. to break quickly with a short, sharp sound.
to snap... At my mom's house, the branch snapped under the weight of the apples.
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quebrarse con un sonido. to break quickly with a short, sharp sound.
to snap... Yaquelin's dog snapped at a fly.
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intentar morder. to try to bite someone or something suddenly and quickly.
Samantha's dog was growling and snapping ........ to snap.
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intentar morder. to try to bite someone or something suddenly and quickly.
to snap... The horse snapped at Lalo's hand.
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intentar morder. to try to bite someone or something suddenly and quickly.
to snap... Kaz snapped her handbag shut.
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cerrar de golpe. to close (something) with a fastener and click sound.
Quito SNAPPED up his jacket ........ to snap.
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Sonido de un cierre. a sudden, sharp cracking sound or movement.
to snap... Edith turned the key and heard the lock snap.
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cerrar de golpe. to close (something) with a fastener and click sound.
to snap... The driver snapped the whip to get the horses moving.
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chasquear. to make a short, sharp sound or to cause (something) to make a short, sharp sound.
to snap... Trump always snaps his fingers to get the waiter's attention.
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chasquear. to make a short, sharp sound or to cause (something) to make a short, sharp sound.
The slave master Lorenso snapped the whip to make the slaves work harder ........ to snap.
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chasquear. to make a short, sharp sound or to cause (something) to make a short, sharp sound.
a snap, or, snapshot... My friend Christine showed me her holiday snaps.
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foto. (quick photo).
snap, or, snapshot. ------ Uncle Victor showed us his holiday snaps.
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foto. (quick photo).
a cold snap... The recent cold snap killed my tomato plants.
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ola de frío. (period: cold weather).
a cold snap... Right now we're having a cold snap in Chicago.
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ola de frío. (period: cold weather).
A COLD SNAP....... Yesterdat they had a cold snap in Mennesota........ A COLD SNAP.
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ola de frío. (period: cold weather).
to jumble, or jumble up... Earrings, bracelets, and necklaces were all jumbled together in Karla's box.
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revolver. to cause (things) to be mixed together in a way that is not neat or orderly.
to jumble, or jumble up... Quito jumbled the wires up when he moved the TV.
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revolver. to cause (things) to be mixed together in a way that is not neat or orderly.
The baker jumbled the salt and sugar, so the cake came out inedible ........ to jumble, or jumble up.
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revolver. to cause (things) to be mixed together in a way that is not neat or orderly.
a jumble... The letters formed a meaningless jumble on Jane's desk.
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revoltijo. revoltura. a group of things that are not arranged in a neat or orderly way.
a jumble... This building is a jumble of wires.
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revoltijo. revoltura. a group of things that are not arranged in a neat or orderly way.
a jumble... Professor Esequiel's papers sat in jumble, completely disorganized.
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revoltijo. revoltura. a group of things that are not arranged in a neat or orderly way.
Vice grip - - Pinzas de presión.
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Vice grip - - Pinzas de presión.
Pinzas de presión. ----- Vicepresidente- gripa
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vice grip. ----- pinzas de presión.
My friend loves old clothes and jewellery, so I always try to buy her something "vintage" for her birthday. ------ VINTAGE.
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Antiguo, clásico, viejo, de época. añejo.
Tienes una pluma que me prestes?.
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Have you got a pen I can borrow?.
Hang on a minute.
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Espera un minuto.
pañoleta ?.
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Dew rag hat.

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