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We are surronded by energy
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We are surronded by energy
Her life revolves around her children
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Her life revolves around her children
The building is divided into four sections
Lernen beginnen
the building is divided into four sections
The diffrent sections of an object can bring about change
Lernen beginnen
The diffrent sections of an object can bring about change
The arrangement of Certain objects can result in family arguments
Lernen beginnen
The arrangement of certain objects can result in family arguments
Living in the city centre is exciting
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It is exciting to live in the city centr
This room isn't spacious enough to fit a double bed into
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This room is too small to fit a double bed into
I prefer to live in the country rather than in a city
Lernen beginnen
I prefer living in the country to living in a city
Would you mind turning the heating on?
Lernen beginnen
Could you turn the heating on?
The luxury of the hotel was amazing
Lernen beginnen
They were amazed at the luxury of the hotel
She found it difficult to pay the rent
Lernen beginnen
She had difficulty in paying the rent
Tenants are allowed to use the common gardens
Lernen beginnen
They let tenats use the common gardens
The children looks forward to meeting their new neighbours
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The children can't wait to meet their new neighbours FORWARD
He was made to stay in
Lernen beginnen
She made him stay in WAS
He doesn't make enough money to be able to afford such a big house
Lernen beginnen
He earns to little to be able to afford such a big house MAKE
The property owner is likely to turn down our offer
Lernen beginnen
I don't think the property owner will accept our offer MAKE
It took her ages to sort out her clothes in the wardrobe
Lernen beginnen
She spent ages sorting out her clothes in the wardrobe TOOK
There is no point in cooking dinner as I have already ordered a takeaway
Lernen beginnen
You don't have to cook dinner as I have already ordered a takeway POINT
It is too expensive to stay in that five-star hotel for even one night
Lernen beginnen
That five-star hotel is so expensive that we can't stay there for even one night TOO
The old block of flats is going to be pulled next week
Lernen beginnen
They are going to demolish the old block of flat next week DOWN
I have no intention of breaking their expensive crystal vase
Lernen beginnen
I didn't mean to break their expensive crystal vase INTENTION
An architect planning a new house should always takes into consideration his client's need
Lernen beginnen
An architect planning a new house should always takes into consideration his client's need
The rise in house prices Enables seel him that his house at a profit hiuge
Lernen beginnen
The rise in house prices enables him to seel his house at a hiuge profit
The finally successed in booking a room with a view of the sea
Lernen beginnen
The finally successed in booking a room with a view of the sea
This antique sofa looks shabby at the moment will be worth a lot when I have restored
Lernen beginnen
This antique sofa looks shabby at the moment will be worth a lot when I have restored
The lease expires next month, so I'm going to find a new flat
Lernen beginnen
The lease expires next month, so I'm going to find a new flat
Their house is in a great position overlooking the lake
Lernen beginnen
Their house is in a great position overlooking the lake
Any tenant who fails to Comply with the rules and regulations will be evicted?
Lernen beginnen
Any tenant who fails to comply with the rules and regulations will be evicted?
They were short of money
Lernen beginnen
They were short of money
She could not bear the noise from next door any more
Lernen beginnen
She couldn't bear the noise from next door any more
On the other hand, some people say That living in a flat has a number of drawbacks
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On the other hand, some people say that living in a flat has a number of drawbacks
blisko centrum
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close to amenities
odnawiać, remontować (dom)
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do up (a house)
zalegać z czynszem
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fall behind on the rent
być w dobrych stosunkach z sąsiedadami
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get on with your neighbours
złozyć ofertę
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make an offer
negocjować umowę
Lernen beginnen
negotiate a deal
zapłacić z góry
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pay in advance
uzyskać hipoteka
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take out mortgage
pośrednik w handlu
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estate agent
schody kręte
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spiral staircase
headboardrama szczytowa łóząka
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system alarmowy
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alarm system
centralnie ogrzewanie
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central heating
przy łózku
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mantelpieceobramowanie kominka
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centralnie położony)
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centrally (located)
mieszkanie z osobnym wejściem
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zarządzenie i administracja
Lernen beginnen
business studies
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sala wykładowa
Lernen beginnen
teren szkoły
Lernen beginnen
school gerunds
Lernen beginnen
zostawanie po lekcjach za karę
Lernen beginnen
egzamin wstępny
Lernen beginnen
entrance exam
sprawdzanie obecności
Lernen beginnen
roll (call)
Lernen beginnen
school assembly
Lernen beginnen
zdawać poprawkę
Lernen beginnen
oddać wypracowanie
Lernen beginnen
submit an essay
opuścić zajęcia
Lernen beginnen
skip a lesson
przyciągać czyjąć uwagę
Lernen beginnen
attract (sb's attention)
nadążać z czymś
Lernen beginnen
catch up (with/sb)
rzucić szkołe
Lernen beginnen
drop out school
mieć zaległości szkolne
Lernen beginnen
fall behind with schoolwork
wpaść w długi
Lernen beginnen
get into debt
oddać pracę
Lernen beginnen
hand in an assignment
być na bieząco z nauką
Lernen beginnen
keep up with schoolwork
przejrzeć notatki
Lernen beginnen
look over notes
uzyskać pozyczke
Lernen beginnen
take out a loan
Lernen beginnen
tell sb off
Lernen beginnen
szkoła podstawowa
Lernen beginnen
primary school
szkoła średnia
Lernen beginnen
secondary school
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Lernen beginnen
nadać tytył
Lernen beginnen
award a degree
Lernen beginnen
charge fees
upoważniony do czegoś
Lernen beginnen
entitled to sth
nauczyć się czegoś na pamiec
Lernen beginnen
learn sth by hear
udzielić potrzebnych informacji
Lernen beginnen
provide the required details
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kurs dokształcający
Lernen beginnen
refresher course
wsparcie finansowe
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financial support
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opłata wpisowa
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registration fee
studentka ostatniego roku
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pożyczka studencka
Lernen beginnen
student loan
zasiłek dla bezrobotnych
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
wyrzucić kogoś z pracy
Lernen beginnen
give sb the sack
zwolnić kogoś z pracy
Lernen beginnen
lay sb off
zwolnić kogoś w związku redukcją etatów
Lernen beginnen
make sb redundant
przejść na emeryturę
Lernen beginnen
przechodzić trudny okres
Lernen beginnen
go through a difficult time
wręczyć wypowiedzenie
Lernen beginnen
hand in your notice
Live Itżyć z
Lernen beginnen
live on
zakomunikować przekazać znaczenie
Lernen beginnen
put across the importance
wziąć dostać pożyczkę
Lernen beginnen
take out a loan
rozładować stres
Lernen beginnen
work off stress
stres związany z pracą
Lernen beginnen
work-related stress
zasiłek chorobowy
Lernen beginnen
sick pay
przykuty do biurka
Lernen beginnen
stuck behind a desk
wziąć dzień wolny od pracy
Lernen beginnen
take the day off
płacony za nadgodziny
Lernen beginnen
paid overtime
urlop macierzyński
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maternity leave
dotychczasowe doświadczenia
Lernen beginnen
previous experience
zarabiać na życie
Lernen beginnen
make a living
wypalenie zawodowe
Lernen beginnen
job burnout
trudny/łatwy do zdobycia
Lernen beginnen
hard/easy to come by
Lernen beginnen
go on strike
elastyczny czas pracy
Lernen beginnen
flexible working hours
dodatkowe korzyści
Lernen beginnen
fringe benefits
obecne stanowisko
Lernen beginnen
current position
starać się ostanowiskot
Lernen beginnen
apply for the post
rozwój zawodowy
Lernen beginnen
career goals
przekazywać komuś informacje
Lernen beginnen
report to sb
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promote/be promoted
praca sezonowa
Lernen beginnen
temporary job
dodatkowe korzyści
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
pay rise
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dyskryminacja w miejscu pracy
Lernen beginnen
workplace discrimination
możliwość odbycia szkolen
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training opportunities
zapewnić dobrą obsługę
Lernen beginnen
provide good customer service
niedobre warunki pracy
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poor working condition
prowadzić firmę
Lernen beginnen
run a company
Lernen beginnen
obsługa klienta
Lernen beginnen
customer services
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ski instructorintruktor narciarski
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ski instructor
projektantka wnętrz
Lernen beginnen
interior designer
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pracownik budowlany
Lernen beginnen
construction worker
Lernen beginnen

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