rozdział 5

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the use of resources that are devoted to the production and delivery of products and services
operations include
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product development; managing the supply chain; production planning and control billing and shipping
five basic performance objectives of operations
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quality; cost; dependability; flexibility; speed
products on-spec
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heaving the required specifications
lead time
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time from placing the order to receiving delivery
concept brief
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clear statement describing the form, function, purpose and benefits of the product
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can it be done? do we have skills/capacity/resources?
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thinking pessimistic: what could go wrong
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restricted variety
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using the same components
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using sub-components that can be put together in different combinations
time to market
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time taken from concept brief to the launch
upstream; supply side
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first-tier supplier and second-tier supplier
downstream; demand side
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first-tier customers second tier customer
supply chain management includes
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procurement; material management and logistics
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sourcing and purchuasing
materials management
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include inventory management and production planning and control
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distribution to first-tier customers
stages in design
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initial idea and concept brief:); screenin; preliminary design; feasibility studies; prototyping; roll out
concept brief
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describe form function, purpose and benefits of new product
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chance of something happening or being successful
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limits that affect how something can be done
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detailed plans about how something is to be made
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standards that are used for making a decision about something

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