segregator 25.08.16

 0    31 Datenblatt    MikolajSoszynski
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Frage Antworten
How does the coffe taste today?
Lernen beginnen
How does the coffe taste today?
How much do you waight?
Lernen beginnen
How much do you waight?
Now the table feels cold
Lernen beginnen
Now the table feels cold
Those people appear to be busy
Lernen beginnen
Those people Appear to be busy
I`m tasting the coffe
Lernen beginnen
I`m tasting the coffe
The shop assisstent is weighing your shopping
Lernen beginnen
The shop assisstent is weighing your shopping
Why are you feeling the table?
Lernen beginnen
Why are you feeling the table?
some people are appearing here
Lernen beginnen
some people are appearing here
This clock fit here
Lernen beginnen
This clock fit here
Now the situation looks good
Lernen beginnen
Now the situation looks good
How do you feel?
Lernen beginnen
How do you feel?
drop -> dropping
Lernen beginnen
drop -> dropping
rain -> raining
Lernen beginnen
rain -> raining
lie -> lying
Lernen beginnen
lie -> lying
hope -> hoping
Lernen beginnen
hope -> hoping
agree -> agreeing
Lernen beginnen
agree -> agreeing
begin -> beginning
Lernen beginnen
begin -> beginning
offer -> offering
Lernen beginnen
offer -> offering
the workers are fitting a new machine
Lernen beginnen
the workers are fitting a new machine
some girls are looking through the window
Lernen beginnen
some girls are looking through the window
składać się z
Lernen beginnen
consist of
Lernen beginnen
to contain
Lernen beginnen
to look for
spójrz na
Lernen beginnen
take a look at
Lernen beginnen
1. illness 2. sickness 3. disease
Lernen beginnen
now, at the moment, at present, currently
naprawdę, właściwie, faktycznie
Lernen beginnen
really, actually
Lernen beginnen
Lernen beginnen
zjawiać się
Lernen beginnen
obecna sytuacja
Lernen beginnen
the current situation

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