semestr 2

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system software
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is designed to operate and control the computer hardware and to provide a platform for running application software. System software can be separated into two different categories, operating systems and utility software.
application software
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is a set of one or more programs designed to carry out operations for a specific application. Application software cannot run on itself but is dependent on system software to execute.
Examples of application software include MS Word, MS Excel, a console game, a library management system, a spreadsheet system
an operating system
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is software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs, is an essential component of the system software in a computer system. Application programs usually require it to function.
multi-tasking OS
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this operating system system allows more than one program to be running in concurrency.
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found on mainframes and workstations in corporate installations, as it supports multi-users
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developed under the GNU, used on PDc and in appliances and small devices, anyone can copy its source code
utility programs
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Programy użytkowe
graphics package
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Pakiet graficzny
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Stacja robocza
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GUI, Graphical User Interface
is a type of interface that allows users to interact with electronic devices through graphical icons and visual indicators such as secondary notation, as opposed to text-based interfaces, typed command labels or text navigation
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środowisko graficzne, ogólne określenie sposobu prezentacji informacji przez komputer oraz interakcji z użytkownikiem, polegające na rysowaniu i obsługiwaniu widżetów.
WIMP - "windows, icons, menus, pointer"
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denoting a style of interaction using these elements of the user interface. Other expansions are sometimes used, substituting "mouse" and "mice" or "pull-down menu" and "pointing"
the graphical image which echoes movements of the pointing device, commonly a mouse or touchpad
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łatwy w obsłudze
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oczywisty, nie wymagający wyjaśnień, intuicyjny (np. o obsłudze urządzenia)
drop-down menu, pull-down menu
When activated, it displays (drops down) a list of values, from which the user may select one.
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rozwijane menu
a menu bar
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pasek menu
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the background screen that displays icons, representing programs, files and folders(directories)
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pasek zadań
desk accesories
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a small transient or auxiliary application that can be run concurrently with any other application on the system.
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device driver
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crashed disc rescuer
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used to restore discs and corrupted files
an accessibility program
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makes a PC easier for disabled users to use.
a compression utility
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narzędzie do kompresji, rewrites data so that it takes less space on disc.
a media player
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Odtwarzacz multimedialny
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Schemat blokowy
PDA, palmtop devices, smartphones
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hand-held devices
PDA, palmtops
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bardzo mały, przenośny komputer osobisty. Mniejszy od laptopa, czy też netbooka
– z powodzeniem mieści się w dłoni są komputerami programowalnymi – można w nich instalować oprogramowanie, np. pobrane lub zakupione w Internecie. Zostały w XXI wieku stopniowo wyparte przez smartfony i obecnie (2015 rok) nie są już produkowane.
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krój czcionki
undo/reverse action
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cofnij / działanie odwrotne
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on one's last legs
the old computers were on their last legs.
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resztkami sił
put/keep something on the back burner
it was something w'd been keeping on the back burner for a while.
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odłożyć coś na później
on the blink
our valuable data were on the blink.
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popsuty, uszkodzony, niesprawny
weigh a ton
our old computers weighted a ton.
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być bardzo ciężkim
kill two birds with one stone
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upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
teething troubles
we had quite a few teething troubles with the new computers.
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początkowe kłopoty (na początku czegoś)
send round
they send a man round to explain the new system.
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wysłać kogoś, puszczać w obieg
the nuts and bolts of something
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nakrętki i śruby /praktyczne aspekty czegoś/podstawy
as clear as a bell
his instructions seemed as clear as a bell.
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jasne jak słońce
to be amazed at
I am amazed how much better they are than the old ones.
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być zdumionym czymś
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a typewriter
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maszyna do pisania
pressing matters
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pilne sprawy
browse for information
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przeglądać/szukać informacji w internecie
sort out
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brighten up
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a draught
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powiew, przeciąg, duży łyk, piwo beczkowe(adj)
hang up the washing
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powiesić pranie
can't make head nor tail of something
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nic nie rozumieć, nie móc się połapać w czymś
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zadziwiający, niewyobrażalny, ogromny
come in handy
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jest przydatny
to see the light
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to understand something clearly at last.
be in the pipeline
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być w przygotowaniu
go back to the drawing board
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zacząć od początku
a flash in the pan
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jednorazowy wyczyn, chwilowy sukces, osoba o słomianym zapale
be past your sell-by date
There's plenty of time to have a baby, I'm not past my sell-by date yet.
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they are not wanted or useful any more because they are too old
sell like hot cakes
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sprzedawać się jak ciepłe bułeczki
a carbon copy
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wierne odbicie, wierna kopia
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Pasek narzędzi
word processor
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edytor tekstu
menu bar
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Pasek menu
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a typing mistake
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błąd przy wprowadzaniu
to leave a trace
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zostawić ślad
back up
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cut and paste
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wytnij i wklej
find and replace
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znaleźć i zastąpić
word wrapping
Line breaking is the process of breaking a section of text into lines such that it will fit in the available width of a page, window or other display area. In text display, line wrap is the feature of continuing on a new line when a line is full
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zawijanie tekstu
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poprawić, dostroić (coś), uregulować (urządzenie)
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a hard copy
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kopia drukowana
font specification
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Specyfikacja czcionki
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keep track of
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układ, wygląd
Make sure you indent at the beginning of each paragraph.
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wcinać (nowy akapit), zrobić wcięcie (przy nowym akapicie)
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łączenie, scalanie plików
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spell checker
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sprawdzanie pisowni
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słownik synonimów w wordzie
Desktop Publishing (skrót)
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Desktop Publishing
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program do składu tekstu, odnosić się także do przygotowywania dokumentów do publikacji w postaci elektronicznej (cyfrowej).
run down
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use time new romans AT 10 points
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użyj czcionki w wielkości 10 punktów
yours sincerely
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Z poważaniem, kiedy znam imię
yours faithfully
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Z poważaniem, kiedy nie znam imienia
if you require any further information
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Jeśli potrzebujesz dodatkowych informacji
please find enclosed
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przesyłamy w załączeniu
align to the right
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wyrównaj do prawej

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