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showing that you do not love or support your country or are not proud of it:
Major conservative magazines ran articles smearing war opponents as "unpatriotic" and worse. The people who raised questions about the cost of the Olympic Games were accused of being unpatriotic.
skompromitować (idiom)
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to discredit, bring into disrepute
to cause people to stop respecting someone or believing in an idea or person
Evidence of links with drug dealers has discredited the mayor. discredited theories
raban, hałas
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My parents often have rows, but my dad does most of the shouting.
morda, frajer, chuligan
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a person who is stupid and easily deceived
He's such a mug, he believes everything she tells him.
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in a way that is too large or too small in relation to something else
The disease disproportionately affects women. Their insurance is disproportionately expensive.
być jedną nogą w grobie
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have one foot in the grave
stanowisko (zdolność produkcyjna, zdolność)
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In my capacity as a headmaster, I would like to change some rules. She has an innate capacity for learning foreign languages.
w czasie wolnym, bez pośpiechu
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at leisure
leisure activities
udawać; atakować (o chorobie)
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She affected a disease to avoid school. Don't affect pain, I know you too well. Cancer has already affected her liver and lungs...
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old-fashioned for tuberculosis (= a serious disease of the lungs)
His father died of consumption when John was 10 years old
duży, diabelski młyn
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big, ferris wheel
a large, vertical wheel in an amusement park with seats that stay horizontal as the wheel turns round
frazes, banał, płaskość wypowiedzi
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a remark or statement that may be true but is boring and has no meaning because it has been said so many times before:
He doesn't mouth platitudes about it not mattering who scores as long as the team wins.
1) trzonek, uchwyt, drzewiec; 2) snop, promień; szachy(kopalniany)
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a pole or rod that forms the handle of a tool or weapon: a beam of light
the shaft of a golf club. A shaft of (sun)light came through the open door.
drużba. świadek/świadkowa
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best man/ best woman

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