Słówka 14.05

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Frage English Antworten English
to be tantamount to sth
Lernen beginnen
to be equal to sth
Lernen beginnen
a person who does boring, unpleasant jobs (usually for others)
Lernen beginnen
lie (e.g. proof), of bad things which are clearly obvious
Lernen beginnen
aromatyczny, wonny, pachnący
Lernen beginnen
not easily controlled, childishly capricious
to contend
Lernen beginnen
to face and deal with it
Lernen beginnen
dobrze zapowiadający się
innermost thoughts/feelings
Lernen beginnen
the deepest and those privet
to set out to do sth, to set about doing sth
Lernen beginnen
to begin sth (phv)
in its own right
Lernen beginnen
exist separately, has its own distinct
on onus to do sth
Lernen beginnen
responsibility to do sth, ciężar odpowiedzialności, obowiązek
to cut in on
Lernen beginnen
to interrupt a conversation
Lernen beginnen
plain, simple (conditions)
to squint
Lernen beginnen
mrużyć oczy, to shut your eyes slightly
to wince
Lernen beginnen
... muscles of your face to show pain or disapproval, krzywić się, drgać (z bólu)
Lernen beginnen
the very edge of sth circular, brzeg, krawędź, obrzeże (np. filiżanki)
Lernen beginnen
instance of looking st sth closely in order to predict sth
to cast an eye on sth
Lernen beginnen
to look briefly
to set foot in a place
Lernen beginnen
to visit a particular place
to reflect on
Lernen beginnen
to take a look at sth
to swerve
Lernen beginnen
to turn to one of the sides to avoid hitting sth
to veer
Lernen beginnen
to turn one's attention of sth they are doing
to rebound
Lernen beginnen
odbić się (od czegoś)
sth is plain
Lernen beginnen
it is obvious
to spill the beans
Lernen beginnen
to reveal one's secret
to cry over spilt milk
Lernen beginnen
cannot be undone but we feel sorrow
to lose touch with reality
Lernen beginnen
have no connection to real world
Lernen beginnen
unfair treatment because of one's beliefs, religion or skin colour
to ring hollow
Lernen beginnen
to sound dishonestly

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