słówka z p Giszczak 1

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Frage English Antworten English
storm of protest
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situatio in which a lot of People Express strong feelings
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appering in large number at the same time
tide is turning
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sytuacja i opinia publiczna ulegają zmianie
A drop in the ocean
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kropla w morzu, mała ilość w porównaniu z potrzebą
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cause sth to start
blazing now
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very angry argument
come under attack
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been strongly critized
in the fire line
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position when People can criticize you
A tight corner
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difficult situation
moving the goalposts
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unfairly changing the rules
foul play
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behaviour That is unfair
level playing field
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equal chance
locked in battle
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involved in competition or struggle
Associated with
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connected with
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kindess/ przysługa
opposed to radical
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against radical rules
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distributed equally
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everyone gets the same amount of sth
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A way to achieve sth
means of production
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material and equipment needed to produce things
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weakness in an idea
be in the driving seat
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be in control of a situation, pull the strings
rock the boat
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cause problems by making changes to a situation
laid the foundations
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create the basic Concept, ideas
be out of her depth
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be in situation That is too diffucult
were thrown in at the Deep end
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faced with a new difficult that that u are not prepared for
sink or swim
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fail or succeed
A heated debate
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an angry discussion
A safe pair of hands
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making good progress

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