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Wartosci i zasady prawa spadkowego
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The values ​​and principles of the law of succession
Nemo pro parte testatus, pro parte intestatus decedere potest
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Nemo pro parte testatus, pro parte intestatus decedere potest
Semeh heres semper heres
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Semeh heres semper heres
Szacunek dla woli zmarłego
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Respect for the deceased
Solidarnosc rodzinna
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solidarity family
Nabycie a przyjecie spadku
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Acquisition and agreeing fall
Zasady interpretacji testamentu
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Principles of interpretation of the will
Podmioty uczestniczace w dziedziczeniu
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Entities participating in inheritance
Powołonie a nabycie spadku
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Powołonie and inheritance acquisition
Treść testamentu
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The content of the will
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Podmioty w dziedziczeniu
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Entities in inheritance
Porządek dziedziczenia w nowelach justynianskich
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The order of succession in the novels Justinian

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