Speak Up; level 11 (unit 51)

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ad, advert, advertisement
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a picture, short film, song etc. which tries to persuade people to buy a product or service (reklama, ogłoszenie)
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someone who aks for something officially, (kandydat)
Lernen beginnen
happennig or existing now (aktualnie, obecnie)
(to) deduce
Lernen beginnen
to decide that something is true using the available information (wywnioskować)
Lernen beginnen
when you decide that something is true using the available information (dedukcja, wnioskowanie)
Lernen beginnen
1. a lot of money (fortuna) 2. the good or bad things that happen to you (los, fortuna)
fur coat
Lernen beginnen
a coat which is made from fur (futro)
(to) get through
Lernen beginnen
to manage to talk to someone on the telephone (dodzwonic się, połączyć się)
Lernen beginnen
gruelling activites are very difficult and make you very tired (wyczerpujący)
Lernen beginnen
1. an attempt to give the right answer when you are not certian what it is (próba zgadnięcia) 2. an opinion that you have formed by guessing (domysł)
Lernen beginnen
a situation in which it is possible for you to do something, or a possiblity of doing somehing (okazja, możliwość)
(to) propose
Lernen beginnen
1. to suggest a plan or action (proponować) 2. to intend to do something (zamierzać coś zrobić) 3. to ask someone to marry you (oświadczać się)
Lernen beginnen
related or useful to what is happening or being talked about (istotny, znaczący)
Lernen beginnen
a document which describes your qualifications and the jobs you have done, which you send to an employer that you want to work for (życiorys, CV)
Lernen beginnen
showing king feelings such as sympathy, love, etc, especially in silly way (sentymentalny)
situations vacant
Lernen beginnen
ogłoszenie o poszukiwanych pracownikach
Lernen beginnen
making you stressed (stresujący)
Lernen beginnen
1. a very unpleasant experience (tortura, męka) 2. when someone is tortured (tortura, tortury)

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