strike in slovakia

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to be a poster child
I'm a walking poster child for it.
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stanowic przyklad
jestem chodzacym przykladem na to
But despite the sprawling space of the house, being inside made her feel closed in.
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tu. rozrastajacy sie, rozciagniety, rozwlekly,
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zamozny, bogaty
go westwards and you will find a paradise go eastwards and you will find hell
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w kierunku zachodnim
being short-changed
Talented musicians are being short-changed by the new financial regulations.
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tu. zostac wyrolowanym
All this, and I am being paid handsomely for my time
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pięknie, elegancko
unfettered trade
Today, 20 more Republicans took a stand against unfettered free trade
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nieskrępowany, swobodny (np. rynek, działalność gospodarcza)

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