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Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Lernen beginnen
No enseñes a tu abuela a chupar huevos...
On the train he stands because it's full.
Lernen beginnen
En el tren el esta de pie porque esta lleno.
Ok honey. I'm off. Bye!.
Lernen beginnen
Okey cariño. Ya me voy. Adios.
I'm from Altamira. No kidding. It's a small world.
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Soy de Altamira. No bromes. Que chiquito es el mundo.
Has it been signed yet?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Ya se ha firmado?...
Have they seen each other yet?.
Lernen beginnen
¿Ya se han visto?...
Has it been done yet?.
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¿Ya se ha hecho?.
Why hasn’t it been done?.
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¿Por qué no se ha hecho?.
Nobody told me it had to be done.
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Nadie me dijo que tenía que ser hecho.
Have they been woken up yet?.
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¿Han sido despertados ya?.
She’s already been warned twice.
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Ella ya ha sido advertida dos veces.
If something happens it’s her fault.
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Si algo ocurre es culpa de ella.
I’m not willing to accept the blame.
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No estoy dispuesto a aceptar la culpa.
Don’t blame me.
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No me culpes a mí.
I don’t want you to blame anyone.
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No quiero que culpes a nadie.
It’s nobody´s fault.
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No es culpa de nadie.
We don’t have to blame anyone.
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No tenemos que echar la culpa a nadie.
Why make things more difficult than they already are?.
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¿Por qué hacer las cosas más difíciles de lo que ya son?.
Can you summarise it for me?.
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¿Me lo puedes resumir?.
I know just enough to get by.
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Se justo lo suficiente para apañarme.
I get by with my English.
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Me las arreglo con mi inglés. Me apaño con mi inglés.
Don’t worry we´ll get by.
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No te preocupes, saldremos del paso.
They’ve always wanted me to do it.
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Siempre han querido que yo lo haga.
I’ve never asked you to kill anyone.
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Nunca te he pedido que mates a nadie.
I haven’t even had the chance to say goodbye yet.
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Ni siquiera he tenido la oportunidad de despedirme todavía.
They haven’t caught him yet.
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No le han cogido aun.
I’ve never belonged to that club.
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Nunca he pertenecido a ese club.
You’ll never become president.
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Nunca llegarás a ser presidente.
You won’t even be a minister.
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Ni siquiera serás ministro.
I’ve never worked in a ministry.
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Nunca he trabajado en un ministerio.
They haven’t died yet.
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No se han muerto todavía.
They’re still alive.
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Siguen vivos.
Who did John hit?.
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¿A quién le pegó Juan?.
You should be very careful.
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Deberías tener mucho cuidado.
You should call him before going.
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Deberías llamarle antes de ir.
They should start their own business.
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Deberían montar su propio negocio.
It's a small world.
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Que chiquito es el mundo.
We should try to convince him.
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Deberíamos tratar de convencerle.
I’m not interested in your convictions.
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No me interesan tus convicciones.
As far as I know there haven’t been any problems.
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Que yo sepa no ha habido problemas.
What a beautiful voice she has!.
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¡Qué voz más hermosa tiene ella!.
What big eyes you have!.
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¡Qué ojos más grandes tienes!.
What a boring play!.
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¡Qué obra más aburrida!(de teatro).
Let’s get out of here.
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Larguémonos de aquí.
Don’t step on the flowers.
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No pises las flores.
Don’t drag it.
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No lo arrastres.
It took me years to build it.
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Tardé años en construirlo.
It usually takes me half an hour.
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Suelo tardar media hora.
What a long speech!.
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¡Qué discurso más largo!.
I’ve never heard such a long speech.
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Nunca he oído un discurso tan largo.
It was so long that I fell asleep.
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Fue tan largo que me dormí.
It was such a long speech that I fell asleep.
Lernen beginnen
Fue un discurso tan largo que me dormí.
You shouldn’t be here.
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No deberías estar aquí.
You shouldn’t look at the people like that.
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No deberías mirar a la gente de ese modo.
You should say “thank you” when people give you things.
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Deberías dar las gracias cuando la gente te da cosas.
I’ve never known how to convince him.
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Nunca he sabido cómo convencerle.
I have been married for twenty years
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Estoy casado desde hace veinte años.
I have been living here for years.
Lernen beginnen
Vivo aquí desde hace años.
How long has it been raining.?
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¿Cuánto tiempo lleva lloviendo?.
I have been trying to get the interview with him for three years.
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Llevo tres años intentando conseguir una entrevista con él.
I’ll never give up.
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Nunca me daré por vencido.
She’s been after me since I came here.
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Ella está detrás de mi desde que vine aquí.
What does she want?.
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¿Qué quiere ella?.
I haven’t the slightest idea.
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No tengo ni la más remota idea.
Haven’t you asked her?.
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¿No se lo has preguntado?.
I think she’s fallen in love with you.
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Creo que se ha enamorado de ti.
I’m afraid you’re right.
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Me temo que tengas razón.
What shall we do?.
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¿Qué hacemos?.
It’s your problem, not mine.
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Es tu problema, no el mío.
It doesn´t make any sense.
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No tiene ningún sentido.
What doesn’t make any sense.?
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¿Qué es lo que no tiene ningún sentido?.
She could be my mother.
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Ella podría ser mi madre.
Does she bother you a lot?.
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¿Te molestá ella mucho?
She hardly ever leaves me alone.
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Casi nunca me deja en paz.
Tell her you are not interested.
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Dile que no estás interesado.
She doesn’t want to listen to me.
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Ella no quiere escucharme.
Then ignore her.
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Entonces, no le hagas caso.
It’s not that easy.
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No es tan fácil.
What do you mean it’s not that easy?.
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¿Qué quieres decir con que no es tan fácil?
She’s the one who pays me.
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Es ella quien me paga.
How long has this been happening?.
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¿Cuánto hace que ocurre esto?.
Since I joined the company.
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Desde que entré en la compañía.
I guess there’s nothing you can do about it.
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Supongo que no hay nada que puedas hacer al respecto.
When I have enough money I’ll leave the company.
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Cuando yo tenga suficiente dinero dejaré la compañía.
That sounds like a good idea.
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Esa me parece una buena idea.
When do you expect to have enough?.
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¿Cuándo esperas tener el suficiente?.
When she pays me what she owe me.
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Cuando ella me pague lo que me debe.
How much does she owe you?.
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¿Cuánto te debe?.
She owes me two monthly payments.
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Me debe dos mensualidades.
How can you live without that money?.
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¿Cómo puedes vivir sin ese dinero?.
I get by.
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Me apaño, me las arreglo.
Have you sold your paintings?.
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¿Has vendido tus cuadros?.
I’ve had to sell some.
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He tenido que vender algunos.
Why don’t you start a gallery?.
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¿Por qué no montas una galería?.
It takes a long time to start something like that.
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Se tarda mucho en montar algo así.
Not as long as you think.
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No tanto como tú crees
I have little experience in things like that.
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Tengo poca experiencia en cosas así.
I can help you if you let me.
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Te puedo ayudar si me dejas.
We could even be partners.
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Incluso podríamos ser socios.
That sounds interesting.
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Eso parece interesante.
Let me think about it tonight.
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Deja que lo piense esta noche.
I think it’s a great idea.
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Creo que es una idea genial.
You may be right.
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Puede que tengas razón.
We can finally own something.
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Podemos por fin poseer algo.
And what about the problems?.
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¿Y qué hay de los problemas?.
What is your major ?.
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¿Cuál es tu especialidad?.
What are you majoring?.
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¿En qué te estás especializando?.
Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs.
Lernen beginnen
No enseñes a tu abuela a chupar huevos.
Ok honey. I'm off. Bye!.
Lernen beginnen
OK cariño. Ya me voy. ¡Adiós!.

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