The Progressive Era

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child labor
Lernen beginnen
the use of children in industrial of commercial work
city manager
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a specially trained person hired by a an elected city council to run a city government
direct primary
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election in which all eligible party members choose a party’s candidate for office
government regulation
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system in which the government sets rules for operation of businesses
Lernen beginnen
process by which voters can directly pass laws through petition and election
Lernen beginnen
favoring or implementing new ideas for social reform
progressive (graduated) income tax
Lernen beginnen
tax system in which rates are determined by income bracket; the wealthiest citizens pay the highest rate
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process by which an elected official can be removed from office by special election
Lernen beginnen
process by which voters can directly pass laws proposed by the legislature through an election
secret ballot
Lernen beginnen
system by which voters mark their ballots in private instead of voting openly

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