UNIT 8 Idioms

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Frage English Antworten English
a stone's throw (away/from)
Lernen beginnen
Where we live is only a stone's throw from the park.
as the crow flies
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It's about 200 miles as the crow flies.
follow your nose
Lernen beginnen
Once you go past the traffic lights, just follow your nose.
in the middle of nowhere
Lernen beginnen
The car broke down and we realised we were in the middle of nowhere.
lose your bearings
Lernen beginnen
I lost my bearings for a moment, but then realised where I was.
make a beeline for
Lernen beginnen
As soon aswe arrived at the hotel, Molly made a beeline for the manager to complain.
off the beaten track
Lernen beginnen
We like to get off the beaten track when we go on holiday.
stop dead in your tracks
Lernen beginnen
When I heard the gunshot, I stoopped dead in my tracks.
take a short cut to
Lernen beginnen
I walked to school and I used to take a short cut along the canal.
take the scenic route
Lernen beginnen
We're not lost - we're just taking the scienic route.

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