Vermeer - skopos theory

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What is translation?
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A specific form of human action that is determined by its purpose.
When must skopos be defined?
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Before the translation begins
To translate means to produce texts in a ... for a ... and ... in...
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target setting / target purpose / target addressees / target circumstances
What determines translation methods and strategies?
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The intended purpose of the target text.
What is the skopos rule?
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Human action is determined by its purpose, and is therefore a function of its purpose.
The coherence rule:
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the target text must be sufficiently coherent to allow the intended users to comprehend it, given their assumed background knowledge
The fidelity rule:
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some relationship must remain between the translatum (TT) and ST
What is the decisive factor?
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The precisely specified skopos - the ST is just one constituent of the final outcome
No source text...
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... has only one correct/preferred translation. Every commission should contain a statement of skopos.

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