How food affects your mood 1

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to have an influence on someone or something, or to cause a change in someone or something:
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The divorce affected every aspect of her life.
food affects our moods.
doing things or reacting to things quickly and without thinking carefully first:
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He is a competent but hotheaded manager.
The Romans prescribed lentils to calm the hotheaded
having the same meaning:
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The words "annoyed" and "irritated" are more or less synonymous.
he man synonymous with breakfast cereal is John Harvey Kellogg,
a disease:
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All the rose bushes seem to be suffering from the same mysterious malady.
he put 90 per cent of America's “moral and social maladies” down to eating meat
to think that a problem or situation is caused by a particular thing:
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put down to
he put 90 per cent of America's “moral and social maladies” down to eating meat
moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power:
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A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.
eating meat has sluggish effect on the bowels.
the long tube that carries solid waste from the stomach out of the body:
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eating meat has sluggish effect on the bowels.
anxious or nervous;
Pol. stremowany, roztrzęsiony
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He felt all jittery before the interview.
the jittery high from too many cups of coffee;
to eat or drink a lot of something, eagerly and quickly - usually showing disapproval;
Pol. żreć, żłopać
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He guzzled his beer and ordered another.
the comfort of guzzling chocolate;
a sudden fall in prices, amount, or value, or a period of time when something is in a bad state:
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a slump in the economy
. the satisfied post-meal slump.
relating to your diet:
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Dietary habits can be very difficult to change.
many health problems have a proven dietary link;
A ... plant, tree, or vegetable has a lot of leaves:
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Make sure you eat plenty of dark green, leafy vegetables.
folic acid can be found in liver and leafy greens
a drug used to make a person or animal calmer:
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She was on tranquilizers for a long time after her son died.
The right food at the right time in the right amount is as effective as a tranquilliser...
one of several substances, such as sugar or starch, that provide the body with energy, or foods containing these substances such as bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice
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Carbohydrates will trigger production of a serotonin
to cause something to start:
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Some people find that certain foods trigger their headaches.
carbohydrates will trigger production of a mood-altering chemical,
to make or become less severe, difficult, unpleasant, painful, etc.:
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To ease the problem of overcrowding, new prisons will be built.
serotonin, which eases anxiety within about 20 minutes.
making you feel calm:
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Her words had a soothing effect.
the soothing effect of carbohydrates
to take something, especially something necessary or pleasant, away from someone:
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He claimed that he had been deprived of his freedom/rights.
people deprived of tryptophan became mildly depressed
to improve or increase something:
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I tried to boost his ego by praising his cooking... make him feel more confident
boosting serotonin can help ease pain
not clear or certain because different people may have different opinions:
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It's debatable whether a university degree helps at all.
Whether this means we can manipulate our moods by eating more carbohydrates such as pasta and bread is debatable.
an idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved:
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Several hypotheses for global warming have been suggested.
he hypothesised that we do this anyway, subconsciously.
the part of your mind that notices and remembers information when you are not actively trying to do so, and influences your behaviour even though you do not realize it:
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The memory was buried deep within my subconscious.
he hypothesised that we do this anyway, subconsciously.

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