das Wörterbuch Polnisch Minus Englisch

język polski - English

proste włosy Englisch:

1. straight hair straight hair

She ran both hands over her long, straight hair, tucked it behind her ears
She has long straight hair.
I don't like my straight hair.
John has got straight hair.
He has got long, straight hair.
She always wanted to have straight hair.

Englisch Wort "proste włosy"(straight hair) tritt in Sätzen auf:

APPEARANCE AND CLOTHES – wygląd i ubrania
Człowiek cz. 1 – Personal data & Appearance
9.5 OXFORD CZŁOWIEK APPEARANCE part 2 (hair, face)
Człowiek. Describing physical appearrance.
człowiek wygląd zewnętrzny elector 1