Zestaw Word of the day

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oczywisty, ewidentny
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His lack of interest in the job became evident.
powalić kogoś
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strike sb down
A teenager was in a critical condition today after being struck down by a mystery illness.
wpaść (gdzieś) na chwilę
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swing by sth
I'll swing by your office on my way home, okay?
poplamić, zabrudzić
Lernen beginnen
That sauce stains terribly - it's difficult to get it out of clothes.
kuszący, nęcący
Lernen beginnen
Although the job offer seemed tempting, she turned it down.
nakłaniać kogoś do czegoś (przez przymilanie się)
Lernen beginnen
Try to coax your brother into taking us to the station.
męczyć, dręczyć, nie dawać spokoju
Lernen beginnen
It was clear that something was niggling him.
Lernen beginnen
The seats in a theatre are arranged in parallel rows.

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