zwroty ekonomiczne

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hidden unemployment
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when a few person do the job that one person could do
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young people not in employment, education, or training
ninja loan
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loan extended to a borrower with no income, no job, no assets
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commission Englisch
hereditary unemployment
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when parents are unemployed and children copy their lifestyle
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a low-payed, low-prestige job thats requires few skills
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people that work but cant afford nothing but basic goods
job enlargement
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number of tasks associated with the job is increased
hourglass economy
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an economy that produces more upper and lower classes that causes decline in the middle class
income gap
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is the difference between individuals in distribution of their income
middle income trap
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a situation when a country attains a certain income will get stuck at the level
knowledge work
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white collar work
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departure of individuals with technical skills or knowdledge to better situated countries
caring profesions
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jobs that involve taking care of other people

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