100 zwrotów, które musisz znać pisząc po angielsku - Engleash. net (cz. 4 Zgadzanie się)

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Frage Antworten
zgadzam się
Lernen beginnen
I agree
I agree with you.
Lernen beginnen
I accept
I accept these arguments.
zgadzać się, być prawidłowym
Lernen beginnen
Be correct
Your thinking is correct.
zgadzać się z
Lernen beginnen
Tally with
It tallies with my calculations.
być przekonanym
Lernen beginnen
Be positive
He is positive that they did it.
Lernen beginnen
I confirm his arguments.
Lernen beginnen
Approve of
I approve of his conclusions.
Lernen beginnen
I support the solution he suggested.
popieram kogoś
Lernen beginnen
I am in sympathy with sb
I am in sympathy with the author.
Lernen beginnen
I sympathise with
I sympathise with his opinion

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