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upbringing Englisch:

1. the way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are growing up the way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are growing up

Englisch Wort "upbringing"(the way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are growing up) tritt in Sätzen auf:

reading and lexis unit 7
reading&lexis unit 2

2. bring bring

Bring it here.
I'm still waiting for my breakfast. Bring it to me now, please.
He promised to bring new industries to the region, but politicians rarely keep their word.
Make ten copies of that document and bring it to conference room number 1.
A horseshoe and a four-leaf clover bring good luck.
They believed the jewel would bring disaster.
She would often bring home table scraps from the restaurant where she worked to feed to her dog.
Scientists say many factors bring about changes in weather.
Some people bring joy wherever they go, and some people bring joy whenever they go.
If you have a certificate of immunization, please bring it when you come.
The Ugandans depend on their coffee crop to bring money into the country.
Poverty does more to bring out the worst in people and conceal the best than anything else in the world.
Sentence Number 888,888 will bring its owner years upon years of luck.
Kids these days have no imagination whatsoever. Only a nationwide revolution and sweeping economic reform will bring the hoop and stick back into vogue.
You must bring the person who is immediately concerned with the accident.

Englisch Wort "upbringing"(bring) tritt in Sätzen auf:

Word Formation (Year 3)

3. the process of bringing up a child the process of bringing up a child

Englisch Wort "upbringing"(the process of bringing up a child) tritt in Sätzen auf:

1. słówka, synonimy, antonimy, definicje

4. the way in which someone is treated and educated when they are young the way in which someone is treated and educated when they are young

5. the way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are a child the way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are a child

Englisch Wort "upbringing"(the way that your parents care for you and teach you to behave when you are a child) tritt in Sätzen auf:

1 Performing arts

6. raising a child raising a child

Also I would like to be a calm and professionally active person and a good mom, because I know that raising a child is not easy.

7. upbringing upbringing

I wouldn't call this a proper upbringing.
His behavior spoke volumes about his upbringing.
They differed with each other on the care and upbringing of their children.
He's had a liberal upbringing.
The children had had a harsh upbringing.
Our upbringing as children impacts on how we behave.
That little girl is so polite! She must have had a very good upbringing.
The important role of teachers in the upbringing and education of children.
a middle-class/religious upbringing
He had a strict (=surowy) upbringing.
Did you have a strict upbringing?
Is it right to say all the crimes he committed were simply the resultof his upbringing?
Born in 1965, Mr Carmichael had a traditional upbringing on a hill farm on the Inner Hebrides island of Islay.
he let his wife look after their upbringing
Each person's knowledge of how to bring up a child usually comes from their surroundings and their own upbringing.