At the cinema - V kině

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Who are the characters?
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Jaké jsou tam postavy?
Would you like something to drink?
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Chtěl bys něco k pití?
I would like to sit in the front/in the middle/in the back.
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Chtěl bych si sednou dopředu/doprostředu/dozadu.
What do you think about the film?
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Co si o tom filmu myslíš?
Did you like the film?
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Líbil se ti ten film?
I didn't like the main character.
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Ta hlavní postava se mi nelíbila.
Is there anything good on at the cinema?
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Dávají v kině něco dobrého?
+13 Datenblatt
Die Lektion ist Teil des Kurses
"Everyday phrases in Czech"
(Insgesamt 515 Datenblatt)

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